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Questions tagged [moving-questions]

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Why is this question about a web service not moved to Web Apps SE?

Where to find Google Cloud security notification Google Cloud is clearly a web service/application. This is a good question that quickly got 2 answers. I don't see anything that would get it rejected ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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Question closed on Server Fault, then make here again - should I repeat the answer?

I answered a question on ServerFault yesterday. It appeared off topic there (probably that's true), but it was just asked again on SuperUser, where it is probably on-topic. Should I copy that answer ...
Nikita Kipriyanov's user avatar
4 votes
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Should software recommendations be closed or moved?

I noticed that the community (sometimes) get software recommendation questions. These questions seem to be often closed. However, there is also now a Software Recommendations Stack Exchange (no longer ...
Zackary's user avatar
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Posted on the wrong site

I may have posted my question on the wrong site. I'm not sure. What is the process to move my question to ServerFault instead of superuser? Trouble connecting to MySQL in a local Docker on a Mac
JamesTheDev's user avatar
5 votes
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How to move question with no activity to another SE site?

I posted a question on this site due to its technical scope, but I think it might be more suitable for the Ask Different site. How do I move the question?
jsejcksn's user avatar
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Move a question to another SE site

I recently flagged learn ActionScript or keep the html5 path for mod attention to be moved to, as it was relevant for that site. The question was closed by a mod without any other votes....
MaQleod's user avatar
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Am I able to move a question of mine from SuperUser to IT Security?

Namely, this one? And, if not, what is the Right Way to ask for it to be moved?
JCCyC's user avatar
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what should you do when you realize you stupidly asked a question on the wrong site AND had a bounty?

This should've gone to ServerFault, I'm thinkin'. Maybe I could just delete it and re-ask over there. Will I lose the bounty? It is sort of a SuperUser question, but it dawned on me that it would have ...
Flotsam N. Jetsam's user avatar