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Questions tagged [notifications]

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Inbox not marked as read

When someone posts a comment on a question or answer from me, I get a notification in my inbox. If I click the notification and get redirected to the question, that notification itself is not marked ...
LPChip's user avatar
  • 64.3k
2 votes
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How to Change email notification

For some reason, I stopped receiving notifications when someone replied to my question. I can’t find the settings location.
susik's user avatar
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Notify on Super User review queues

Is there any solution to notify my iOS devices that new items are populating the review queues?
174140's user avatar
  • 134
8 votes
1 answer

(Stack Exchange) Notifications won't clear - even after they are read

Since this morning, I see that the notifications (unread count), isn't getting cleared even after the corresponding notification is read (in fact, I currently don't have any unread notifications). ...
jjk_charles's user avatar
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Receive notifications when one's own questions are linked to in another post?

Often in a question, answer, or comment, someone will post a link to another existing related superuser question. For now let us refer only to the posts where this is done because the posts are ...
dtmland's user avatar
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3 votes
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Not receiving notifications for new messages

For the past few days (I think since the move to the New York data center) I have not been receiving notifications of new messages. If someone @'s me or comments on one of my posts, I get a badge on ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 53.9k
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Not getting inbox messages by email

On the upper bar on all SE sites, there is a "Stack Exchange" dropdown with "hot questions / all sites / inox / notifications" sections. On the bottom of it, there is a "email settings" option with "...
That Brazilian Guy's user avatar
1 vote
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Should I get email when my question has an answer or comment added?

I recently asked a question, which has received both comments and an answer. I was expecting to get an email indicating that there was a response, but have not seen one. I also did not find a place ...
Troy Daniels's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Delay in notifications

For the second time, i saw what i think to be a bug in superuser(i don't know if it doesn't happens in other SE sites). I can see the title of the page where i am with a "(n)"(by n, i mean a number). ...
SOMN's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a way to subscribe to a question?

And thus be notified in my SE global inbox (not email) of any edits, comments, new answers, etc?
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
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A way to send an alert to downvoters that an edit has been made to the post

Would it be be possible to make something that would alert downvoters of an answer that the post they downvoted has changed?
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
4 votes
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Super User notifications

I tried asking this in chat, but there has been no one in the room for hours. I am in Western Australia, GMT+8. Is there a way to be notified by when someone replies to a comment, or ...
Steve's user avatar
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What events trigger inbox notifications?

Sometimes I get a red number beside the StackExchange logo, telling me of new stuff in my inbox. What events cause this? I know that new answers in my questions get added to my inbox, but what about ....
Malabarba's user avatar
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Is the notification of other new answers whilst typing an answer broken?

A couple of times recently, I've started answering a question and by the time I have posted my answer, another has appeared. In the past, I have received a notification at the top of the screen ...
Neal's user avatar
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