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Questions tagged [question-quality]

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How can I improve my first question?

I have a question about my Super User post: How to create a PXEboot for tails OS? I'm new to this site I find very helpful and of very good quality. How can I improve my first posted question?
AlexVal's user avatar
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question body doesn't meet quality standards - how to solve?

I try to ask below question, however however I rephrase it I keep getting "doesn't meet our quality standards" error. How I can resolve it?
Máté Juhász's user avatar
2 votes
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How to proceed when underlying problem solved, but does not match question?

I have asked this question: I/O Error on XSane frontend, but not on std out By now I know what my underlying problem was, but the question was initially on how to get more debugging output. Should I ...
Angelo Fuchs's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Dealing with low-quality questions that end up on Hot Network Questions

I've often commented on chat that "HNQs seem to straddle the line between the septic tank and greatness" - well not exactly but various things to that effect. I came across a situation where a fairly ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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Should I take question quality into account when answering questions?

I noticed this comment from one of our established users: I only answer questions I belive [sic] are extremely high quality – Ramhound (source; moderator only) Assuming the questions are ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.4k
15 votes
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Unattended first posts

I am fairly new in the Super User community, and I am still trying to understand how things work. So forgive me for asking this question which may seem a bit silly to some members. This is ...
Art Gertner's user avatar
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When should a question that otherwise belongs on another site be simply closed and not migrated?

This question was closed as off topic, but was not migrated. I (incorrectly) decided to vote to close and migrate to Stack Overflow, but the question was not migrated for quality reasons. I ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.4k
3 votes
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Why can't I post my question on Super User?

Well, I've been using the Stack Exchange sites since a while, and, I could say that, I'm not a total newbie on these sites. But, there's something so annoying that I couldn't able to send and ask any ...
Kerim Atasoy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why are my questions judged as low quality?

When I write questions on Super User, I often find that I am rejected when I click submit after typing a paragraph; including my previous research on the subject, and so on. It says that my question ...
Jon Valentine's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

"It does not meet our quality standards" <--- huh? Seriously?

I just tried submitting this question: 64-bit Executable Packer Is there a good, free packer out there for 64-bit executables? I'm looking for something like UPX, except that UPX doesn't seem to ...
user541686's user avatar
  • 23.4k