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8 votes
1 answer

What should be done about old, abandoned questions?

Whenever a retag request comes about - or when I'm wading through /review I often come across old questions which haven't been answered, with low views & most of the times the questions are by ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
  • 61.9k
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Canonical question for remapping keyboard keys

We have many questions regarding remapping keyboard keys on Windows. Should we make one of them a canonical question and close the others as dupes?
user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Why are smartphone-related questions considered off-topic on [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is a modern phone not a computer? In the F.A.Q. it is written that the site is about questions about "computer software" and "not about electronic devices, media players, cell ...
kluka's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Request to migrate a question to Raspberry Pi declined

I recently flagged a question to be migrated to Raspberry Pi. Backup data rate on Raspberry Pi maxing out at 5 Mb/s. Why? But it was declined with the following explanation. don't really ...
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7 votes
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Posting question & answer, why must I wait two days to accept it?

When posting a question and an answer together (like explained here) why must I wait two days to accept the answer? If I have understood correctly, the Q&A-together format is meant to provide ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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Same question, different program?

I had a problem that I wanted to solve regarding the program Numbers (macOS's spreadsheet program, analogous to Excel). I found a question that is the exact issue I'm having, but the answer is ...
Jeeter's user avatar
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Special offer: 2 questions in the price of 1!

What should we do with "questions" such as this, that are really two questions disguised as one? Flag them? Edit them? Close as "not a real question"?
kinokijuf's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Migrated questions are shown as {closed} on user profile pages

Migrated questions are shown as closed on a user's profile. In the question list: On the user profile: This affects both meta and main sites and is inconsistent and confusing.
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
7 votes
3 answers

Problems with Problem in title

I was trying to edit this question. I just wanted to add a tag and add a link to CamStudio, but I can't save it. I'm being told please do not use these words in titles: 'Problem'. Well, I wish I ...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
7 votes
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How to handle a suspected troll?

Consider the question What are file systems? - there is no indication of what research the querent has done, and punching the title into Google generates a bunch of links to sites (including Wikipedia)...
Jeff Zeitlin's user avatar
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How can I improve this question?

I recently asked Windows gets stuck uninstalling display languages, which wasn't received well, and got 2 downvotes, and I'm wondering what I did wrong/how I can improve the question. I can't really ...
TMH's user avatar
  • 543
7 votes
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Migrated question missing its "source"

This question is being shown as migrated, but it doesn't display from where it was migrated. KronoS and Me spotted this, and Diago♦ confirmed that it come from Server Fault. Screenshot
DMA57361's user avatar
  • 18.7k
6 votes
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Why is the "Spam" close reason for questions missing on SU?

I just came across a question on Super User I would have liked to close as spam. But looking at the resons for a close vote ... ... I noticed that "spam" was missing from that list. Along ...
Joey's user avatar
  • 40.7k
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how to check my questions that have not been answered?

Hi all, is there anyway we can check the questions that we make that we have not marked any answers? (like a filter) Which section should these questions be at?
Pacerier's user avatar
  • 27.6k
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Why do my questions never get answered on SU?

Ok, so some of my questions get answered after a long time on SU, but many of my questions site idle for much longer than I'm used to on the SE network. I'm used to answer times of a day, not no ...
C. Ross's user avatar
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Why do old questions without any apparent activity get marked as active?

Why is it that some old questions will show recent activity yet when looking at the question page, nothing indicates any change? For example, How to combine with openvpn, dynamic-ip? has its last ...
freethinker's user avatar
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Are you allowed to ask follow-up questions or duplicate questions if there were no satisfactory answers?

Are things like follow-up questions or duplicate questions if there were no satisfactory answers, permissible on this site?
Josh Zmijewski's user avatar
6 votes
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Missing: List of questions with no accepted answer?

My user profile includes a list of my asked questions, and I can sort this by recent/views/newest/votes. One sorting option is missing: no accepted answer. A few of my older questions don't have an ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

SuperUser organization for new computer build questions?

Ok, I saw another one of these questions come through SU today: Valid questions, but they really become out of date and kind of ...
Troggy's user avatar
  • 10.2k
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Create go-to CW questions for recurring topics on SU?

There are certain questions that keep appearing on Super User. Should we create a few standard CW questions to point to when closing? Here are a few topics that could use some standard guides, feel ...
6 votes
2 answers

SuperUser question scope

Most of the questions I see or ask on SuperUser are regarding computer software or hardware, but would other forms of technology that somehow connect to computing be valid questions? For example, ...
Maxim Zaslavsky's user avatar
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How to defend new users from unconstructive downvoting

This may be somewhat duplicate, but I think the issue still stands on its own compared to others. I've noticed a depressing trend for new users, who often write poorly formed questions, having their ...
CLockeWork's user avatar
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Should we allow theoretical questions, those asked due to curiosity? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Are “explain the technology to me” questions on-topic? You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. Chatty, open-...
Bob's user avatar
  • 62.1k
5 votes
3 answers

Why do high-reputation users tend to have lots of answers but very few or no questions, and am I asking too many questions for my reputation?

After looking through the user profiles of very high-reputation users, it seems that most such users have lots and lots of answers, but very few or even no questions at all. Why? On the other hand, ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.3k
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What are the criteria for quality standards? Or... How do I get Super User to accept my question?

It seems a rather silly question to ask, but I'm attempting to ask a question on the location of wallpaper files on Windows XP. As always, I've explicitly stated my OS, very specifically spelled out ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 131k
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4 answers

Super User question about manufacturer support web site resources: on or off topic?

Is the following question on- or off-topic for Super User: I choose to interpret the FAQ liberally, and the question as I see it does relate ...
Chris W. Rea's user avatar
  • 10.9k
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Is it okay to ask a question about what to look for in a piece of hardware when shopping?

I know hardware recommendation questions are not allowed here. But here's the situation: I'm shopping for a specific kind of device and I have some specific requirement (I am being vague on purpose). ...
Javier's user avatar
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Too many edits issue. Post-ban support

Scenario I was banned the past year in 2014. I have a post-ban in which I can't ask any question in Here are two discussions about my problem: Am I a victim of any sort of ...
ElektroStudios's user avatar
5 votes
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Why are some of my questions highlighted in blue?

I was looking at the newest questions tab and noticed two of them have a blueish background. Is this something new? If so, what does it represent?
Carl B's user avatar
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how to deal with an answer that is resolved, but not answered?

For example, if the problem was resolved without answering the question, how do you deal with the question so that it doesn't remain opened. Perhaps a device was replaced, or a different software ...
brice's user avatar
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What are the prerequisites for a question to be transferred over to Super User?

Two questions really: What are the prerequisites for a question to be migrated over to Super User part of Stack Exchange? Why was my question migrated over from Stack Overflow to SuperUser, if the ...
Matt Ridge's user avatar
5 votes
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Migrating high-quality, off-topic questions to another site in the Stack Exchange network

I recently edited this question, and then flagged it to request migration to Electronics Stack Exchange. My flag was declined by a Super User moderator for the following inexplicable reason: ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
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Long list of probably worthless questions

Long list of posts was generated by running a program over the data dump for superuser. Unfortunately, the data is a bit old, and some of the questions have been removed since then. When I tried to ...
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
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Do I lose all my question-votes if I go back and edit my question?

Just got a question solved, and I selected an answer. For the sake of clarity I would like to go back to my original question and put the solution in the answer. Since my Question has multiple votes ...
regulatre's user avatar
  • 480
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What does "too localized" really entail?

Having just received the ability to vote-to-close questions I have seen the option of "Too localized". At what point is the question deemed to be too localized? I personally have asked questions ...
James Mertz's user avatar
  • 26.4k
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Sorting Questions by Most Views and Filtering

A few questions about sorting and filtering: Is it possible to sort questions by the number of views (not votes)? How? Can I combine sorting (by votes, views) with filters (unanswered, featured)? How?...
Fit Nerd's user avatar
  • 537
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Add "views" ordering to answer list again

There once was a views sort order for answers in a user's profile, but it apparently was removed. It is only available for questions. While it might need to be made clear that it's not answer views, ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
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Tooltip when pointing to question links ends with '…' [closed]

The tooltip that appears when I point to a question link on the front page always ends in … instead of a proper ellipsis: I can reproduce this problem on both Firefox 6 and Internet ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.3k
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SU hits 50000 questions. [closed]

I've just spotted that, according to the questions tab, SU has now surpassed 50000 questions! And what's worrying is that I've posted an answer on just over ~0.2% (or 1/500th) of them... For ...
DMA57361's user avatar
  • 18.7k
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Should humorous/funny questions be deleted from Super User?

I was browsing through some recently deleted questions, and found this one: What is your most spectacular or interesting death of a computing device? What is your most spectacular or ...
Breakthrough's user avatar
  • 34.6k
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How do I view *all* of my historical questions?

How do I view my complete question history? I'm looking at but I can't see a way to change the date range. Also in the past when I clicked on my name, the questions were shown right then. This ...
Howiecamp's user avatar
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What do you do if you want to ask a question, but someone already asked it, and there wasn't a decent answer response?

The example I've come from is this: Merging IMAP account into gmail I have already typed out a better-worded question on the same topic and will probably get fresh, excellent up-to-date answers. I'...
user avatar
4 votes
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Where to ask a question that pertains to Windows and Android?

Where would I ask a question about a Windows based software that can enable me to send SMS via my Android phone which is physically connected to the PC? Would it be here on Super User or on Android SE ...
Darius's user avatar
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Are new questions regarding Windows XP on-topic?

Does superuser follow the same policy as askubuntu to mark new questions about "no-longer supported" operating systems as off-topic?
Manoj's user avatar
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Should we have catch-all questions on SU?

Someone posted this question on SU regarding troubleshooting Ubuntu. The question needs some editing and was posted as a CW, however looking at it the question becomes to generalised when edited, and ...
BinaryMisfit's user avatar
  • 20.8k
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Should answers to duplicate questions be deleted?

I made the mistake of answering a question before checking for duplicates. Turns out there are a ton of duplicates. Now, should I delete my answer (as it adds nothing that hasn't been mentioned in ...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
4 votes
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Should I edit the accepted answer or add a new one?

I was just reading a question about color issues with Windows Image Viewer and felt like the accepted solution could profit from some visual guidance. Should I edit the accepted answer or add a new ...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
4 votes
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Can I embed a YouTube video in a question or answer?

Over on I often see YouTube videos embedded in questions and answers. Here is an example. I see in the source that there is not special markup, just the url alone ...
William Jackson's user avatar
4 votes
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How Do I Reclaim a Migrated Question?

If I asked a question on ServerFault but it was closed there and moved to SU, how do I claim the newly migrated question? The specific question is Laptop Display Goes Blank
Benny's user avatar
  • 197
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Who can technically view saved drafts for questions and answers

As the post When I go to "Ask Question" here at superuser, how do I get an empty form? My previous question keeps showing up. states. . . Stack Exchange sites will save a question or ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar