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Questions tagged [reopen-request]

Requests to have closed questions reopened by community or a moderator. Please include arguments – why should the question be reopened?

3 questions from the last 365 days
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1 vote
2 answers

My question "Making title attribute of HTML elements display as text instead of as tooltips" was removed as off-topic; where can I ask it?

My question "Making title attribute of HTML elements display as text instead of as tooltips" was removed as off-topic with the explanation that "This question is not about computer ...
WingedKnight's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Question which should have the answer "it is impossible"

I asked that question: It has been closed. But it seems, by reading all the comments, that the ...
AdriZ's user avatar
  • 121
7 votes
1 answer

I genuinely don't understand why this question was deleted when I asked for it to be re-opened?

Several years ago I tried to ask this question about how to make the best of the space in my PC for more case fans. I thought I had put quite a lot of effort into researching for myself and then ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 178