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Questions tagged [reopen-request]

Requests to have closed questions reopened by community or a moderator. Please include arguments – why should the question be reopened?

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34 votes
1 answer

Editing of recently closed questions

This post is basically to share something I came across on Meta Unix & Linux. Kusalananda♦, a moderator there, posted Editing questions recently put on hold (don't). The gist is something that I ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
33 votes
4 answers

We have bad question closing habits

Not all of us and not all the time, of course, and I'm sometimes guilty of this too. I don't want to point the finger at anyone - just discuss what I think is a problem and how we can improve. The ...
gronostaj's user avatar
  • 57.9k
14 votes
0 answers

My question was closed as "opinion-based" despite not being opinion-based

My question Why do SSDs tend to fail much more suddenly than HDDs? was closed by a mod as "opinion-based", despite being in no way opinion-based. It asks for factual reasons why SSDs tend ...
Vikki's user avatar
  • 279
12 votes
3 answers

Re-migrate or unlock question

Updated question (I originally misread the history and Ben N picked it up.) The following question originated on Server Fault and was migrated here: Accidentally left a small form factor PC in ~100F (...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
11 votes
1 answer

Question about Microsoft Outlook behaviour closed on assumption that I should contact Microsoft

I asked this question about an issue I am experiencing with software (Microsoft Outlook). The question was mod-closed under the assumption/reason that I should report the issue to Microsoft or more ...
Neo's user avatar
  • 349
11 votes
1 answer

Reevaluate closure of question 515115 (meaning of cylinder light on computer) – not a typical "guessing game" question

Question 515115, "What does this light shaped like a cylinder mean?", was closed by a moderator as off-topic on the grounds that it is a visual identification question. However, I have several ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.4k
9 votes
5 answers

Why was the question "Why are there 8 bits per byte?" closed?

TL;DR: I'm looking for opinions on why this question should be open or closed. Answer: I now understand why it has been closed: It is not a real problem because it has no practical use. https://...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Question about computer software with 37 up-votes closed after six years?

Concerning question Can I create a new session in another tab or window in Google Chrome? This is surprising to me for multiple reasons. It's not off-topic, but it was closed It was deleted OK, let'...
macek's user avatar
  • 6,435
9 votes
1 answer

Question FAQ doesn't cover a way how to handle a reopen request the best way

I started this topic: The question was closed, because the first version was a bit ...
Florian Storck's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Request to reopen the Autostereogram question

How can I create these optical illusions called “Autostereograms”? [closed] … was closed as off-topic. However, I believe it's a perfectly valid question. It asks how to create such an image ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
7 votes
2 answers

Reopen request for SU?

Hello, I posted what I thought was a legitimate question on Super User at Why are brownouts so harmful? It was closed almost immediately as not a real question with the explanation "This is not a ...
Earlz's user avatar
  • 4,524
7 votes
1 answer

Reopen question 439470: "What is the difference between Windows 8 Pro and Windows RT?"

What is the difference between Windows 8 and Windows RT? How is this question not constructive? I mean, I don't see how this would be a subjective question, let alone "bad subjective"! This ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.4k
7 votes
1 answer

I genuinely don't understand why this question was deleted when I asked for it to be re-opened?

Several years ago I tried to ask this question about how to make the best of the space in my PC for more case fans. I thought I had put quite a lot of effort into researching for myself and then ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 178
7 votes
1 answer

My plea to re-open or migrate the question regarding contacts management

I asked this question: How do I manage contacts from multple accounts (twitter, facebook, gmail, etc,.)? which was then close as 'Off-Topic': Questions on Super User are expected to relate to ...
James Mertz's user avatar
  • 26.5k
7 votes
1 answer

Request to reopen (or properly close) question 358637 (Hardware for a gaming PC)

I'd like to request to reopen this question: How do I choose hardware for a gaming machine, and which components are the most important ones? […] What I know is that I need a powerful graphics card ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
6 votes
1 answer

How to unmark a question marked as duplicate?

This question: 0xc000000f BCD error in windows 10... Nothings working was marked as duplicate by several members. I think it is not an exact duplicate as there are differences in Windows 7 and ...
snayob's user avatar
  • 4,464
6 votes
1 answer

How is a question about increasing performance of programs in Windows-7 too localized?

I asked a question, How to most efficiently utilize CPU resources in windows 7?, that was closed as too localized. It is not clear to me why this is too localized. I did mention specific programs ...
Abe's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes
1 answer

Please don't be so trigger happy about closing questions

The ability to close questions as duplicates is great when used properly. However, I believe the community got a tad trigger happy with my question: My question: How to (re)enable the “New” context ...
Metro Smurf's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why was this question closed?

Why was this question on Windows documentation closed? It is based on an actual problem I faced, it is answerable and it is about software. The reason given to close it, being outside the scope ...
wnrph's user avatar
  • 3,695
6 votes
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Re-open request for question 312922

What Can I do to Improve Cable Link/Signal Quality? The author specifically mentions that he has internet connection problems due to this issue. Finally, I present this clause from the SuperUser FAQ ...
Breakthrough's user avatar
  • 34.7k
5 votes
2 answers

Why was “How do you configure a Windows machine for a Linux user?” closed as too broad?

Why was How do you configure a Windows machine for a Linux user? closed as too broad? I can see that it might appear broad. It is broad. But there's a distinction between broad and too broad — broad ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why is my question considered to be "off topic"?

I asked this question: Automatically reclaim my IRC nickname (without underscores) globally? Without any comments it was "closed as off topic". I don't understand why. The box informing me about the ...
unor's user avatar
  • 3,146
5 votes
1 answer

Request to reopen 396626 (How do I stop this message?)

Could someone please reopen this question: How do I stop this message? These repeated launchd error messages being reported to in Mac OS X is a perfectly real question, which has an ...
NSGod's user avatar
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3 answers

Question closed as unclear but an answer was already posted

This question. The reason why the question was closed is "This question needs details or clarity". Let's follow the link. Needs details or clarity - Sometimes we need more information in ...
gronostaj's user avatar
  • 57.9k
5 votes
1 answer

Could we reopen the question about text editors and large files?

Why can Vim open large files faster than some other text editors? [closed] I'm not really sure why this question was closed. The close reason is not constructive, but it's perfectly possible to give ...
Bob's user avatar
  • 62.3k
5 votes
1 answer

Why was my network synchronization question closed as offtopic?

I have a question about my Super User post: Real-Time Sync Utility My question got recently closed as off-topic. While my actual question (what I wanted to know) was on topic in the first place, I ...
Qw3ry's user avatar
  • 245
5 votes
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Does having the same answer as another question automatically make a question a duplicate?

I'm thoroughly confused regarding the the closing of: How to fix wsl2 not opening graphical apps? by a single gold-badge as a duplicate of: How to skip update to Windows 11 on Windows insider program? ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 25.6k
5 votes
1 answer

Please reopen this question about ripping DVDs

Ripping TV episodes from DVDs – how can I know which stream belongs to which episode? I feel this question should be reopened. I can imagine it was closed in reaction to a flag by the first commenter, ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
5 votes
0 answers

Request to reopen question 600238

This question about creating CD+Gs from MP4s was closed this morning, 27 May 2013, at 04:05 UTC for being off-topic: in its original form, the question was obviously a software-rec. Twelve minutes ...
nc4pk's user avatar
  • 9,207
4 votes
2 answers

Why was question 690388 (workstation video card pricing) closed as "too broad", and how can it be improved?

Question 690388, "Why do workstation graphics cards cost far more than equivalent consumer graphics cards?", was closed by a moderator as too broad. I can't quite see how the scope of this question ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.4k
4 votes
2 answers

Un-close question -- not off-topic?

The question I'm referring to is Youtube etc. video problem Someone closed it as off-topic, probably under the impression that the question was about "a website" or "a web service". In fact, the ...
Felix Dombek's user avatar
  • 2,145
4 votes
2 answers

Request to reopen question 329904

I would like to request to reopen: What are threads, and what do they do in the processor? This question is perfect for SuperUser SE. Computer hardware question that isn't related to buying ...
SgtOJ's user avatar
  • 7,377
4 votes
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Reopen request for question 311304

How to find a given game room in all TS3 servers? is a question about a desktop software, how to operate it. It's not about gaming, and it's not about Google searches. Why was it closed?
Jader Dias's user avatar
  • 16.2k
4 votes
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Question fixed but too late to be reopened in queue

I ran across the question Stop Windows NLA from repeatedly detecting local network as a new, Unidentified Network in the Reopen queue after it had already received several Leave Closed votes. It was ...
I say Reinstate Monica's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Creating word games

Can someone please explain the controversy over my closed question? I followed the FAQ to the letter. Random's comment: Do something and then ask as question about it. Current format is polling/list ...
wizlog's user avatar
  • 13.5k
4 votes
1 answer

Please help reopen this shutdown question?

How can I identify the culprit of my slow Windows shutdown? This is a real problem and I can answer this question so it has enough specifications. We have no idea how your system is set up and ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Request to reopen question 372203

What's the difference between one-dash and two-dashes for command prompt parameters? was closed as 'not constructive'. I disagree. There is a difference, as explained on Unix.SE: A double dash (...
iglvzx's user avatar
  • 23.7k
4 votes
0 answers

What makes a history-tagged question closed?

I love to read about computer history. There are many questions regarding history on SU and a history tag. Some of the questions are closed:
n611x007's user avatar
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Are questions about connecting smartphones to computers on-topic?

This question asks about connecting a smartphone to a computer and transfering files. It was put on-hold as off-topic. The list of on-topic subjects, linked on the very on-hold message, says ...
That Brazilian Guy's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Request to reopen green question 298408

Now that I've found an answer I'd like to request that How can I determine the ecological impact of a computer? is reopened. I hope that my answer, in addition to the one already there, demonstrates ...
lofidevops's user avatar
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Why has the Antivirus question been closed?

I am refering to the question on antivirus software that doesn't run in the background. I had a bounty of 50rep open on this question (which is not mine) because I felt it did not recieve enough ...
Baarn's user avatar
  • 6,734
3 votes
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A Kindle question closed; why? It's software+hardware... was closed with a message "Questions on Super User are expected to generally relate to computer software or computer hardware in some way". According to the ...
imz -- Ivan Zakharyaschev's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Request to reopen question 600447 (How can I edit multiple text files as one virtual document?)

To try and explain what I'd like to find (which I had thought not readily doable in a sound-bite), I posted a rather lengthy question earlier today that was closed for being off-topic. One person ...
TeXnewbie's user avatar
  • 221
3 votes
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saving streaming video played in web browser is off-topic on superuser?

I really want to save this video as I love the show but I have some troubles with their fast English ... so ... I asked here any-idea-how-to-save-video-from-this-site and the question was closed as ...
Radek's user avatar
  • 3,114
3 votes
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Reopen or still a duplicate?

Using onboard and dedicated graphics cards simultaneously for mixed performance This question was closed as a duplicate assuming the OP wanted to use multiple monitors, and it was edited to clarify ...
Marcus Chan's user avatar
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Reopen and migrate question 396934

The following question was closed for being poorly written and off topic (strictly smart phone, iOS related):
iglvzx's user avatar
  • 23.7k
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Request to un-merge Question 386376

@Synetech has pointed out that Can't add a new search engine in Chrome is not a duplicate of Custom Chrome Search Engine for site with frames does not work. At the time of the merge, it may have ...
iglvzx's user avatar
  • 23.7k
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My question incorrectly marked as duplicate

recently I asked a question here WiFi keeps reconnecting when ICS is active on Windows 10 and its been marked as a dupe by mistake cause even though it has a lot of similarity to USB WiFi Adapter ...
poqdavid's user avatar
  • 663
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Is it proper (and userful for our users) to have deleted for plagiarism answer like this?

Limit and advisability to delete an answer I recently incur in this question ("Can EXE always be replaced with COM?") and in the deleted answer that I report below for the users that have no access ...
Hastur's user avatar
  • 19.3k
3 votes
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Request to reopen 396905 (Identifying UEFI-capable laptops)

396905 was (incorrectly, IMHO) closed because it mistaken for a "what should I buy" thread when in fact it is a completely different "how to identify if a laptop is UEFI-capable from the specs before ...
Mahmoud Al-Qudsi's user avatar