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Questions tagged [spam]

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3 questions from the last 365 days
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10 votes
1 answer

So many new spam bots thanks to AI - what can we do?

I keep seeing users like this, the quality of their posts is abysmal: Can we get a captcha or something? Would that help? What else can be done? One of those things where you have to solve a little ...
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5 votes
1 answer

I flagged an answer as spam, where the user profile contained spam. Why was my flag declined?

My "spam" flag on was declined. Did the moderator not see the username and the profile of the spambot? "Declined - a moderator reviewed your flag,...
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3 votes
0 answers

“Please do not vote to close spam.” Why?

On a recent piece of spam, a user (Ramhound) stated: “Please do not vote to close spam.“ Why? Should we just downvote and close as spam? What is the harm in voting to close as off topic? Wouldn’t ...
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