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Questions tagged [status-completed]

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9 votes
1 answer

Can Trogdor please burninate the [must-have] tag

Found another meta tag today must-have I call upon the mighty and hope that he does what he does best.
4 votes
1 answer

Create a synonym [osx-10.7] -> [osx-lion]

Our OS X tags usually use the version names instead of the numbers. osx-10.7 should therefore be a synonym for → osx-lion, just like lion is.
3 votes
4 answers

Request to reopen green question 298408

Now that I've found an answer I'd like to request that How can I determine the ecological impact of a computer? is reopened. I hope that my answer, in addition to the one already there, demonstrates ...
8 votes
1 answer

kvm tag ambiguity

The kvm tag is used for both Keyboard-Video-Mouse switch and for Linux Kernel-Virtual-Machine infrastructure. There are tags kvm-switch and linux-kvm Is it worthwhile changing all 'kvm' tags to one ...
5 votes
0 answers

Tooltip when pointing to question links ends with '…' [closed]

The tooltip that appears when I point to a question link on the front page always ends in … instead of a proper ellipsis: I can reproduce this problem on both Firefox 6 and Internet ...
10 votes
1 answer

Should we nuke the [calculations], [research] and [malfunction] tags?

These tags have about a dozen questions each. calculations and research are too general and ambiguous. A few questions tagged research do relate to hardware and software for academia, but even then ...
5 votes
1 answer

Merge [search-and-replace] and [find-and-replace]

There are: find-and-replace (56 tagged) search-and-replace (17 tagged). I'd propose to merge them. There's no difference between these two. Then, create a synonym for search-and-replace → ...
20 votes
1 answer

Reason for flags declined?

I had ~20 flags declined, and I do not know why. In addition, I posted to the "Ask a SU mod" chatroom why and did not hear back (hence me posting here). Why were these flags declined? EDIT: As a ...
11 votes
1 answer

Putting heat on the cooling/heat/overheat/thermal tag synonyms

The tags cooling, heat, overheat, and thermal seem to be synonymous. Personally, I would set cooling as the master tag, but I wanted to leave that up for discussion. For all I know it would be ...
19 votes
3 answers

Can we get rid of the company tags?

I don't think any of the following tags have questions that benefit them: microsoft, apple, acer, samsung, sony, asus, ... And thinking in the meta tag way, a question that's only about those tags ...
8 votes
1 answer

Duplicate questions for merging/deleting

I have been working on completing a thorough examination of the query from Duplicate Titles needing improvement and/or closed as duplicate, and found many posts were duplicates from single users, that ...
4 votes
2 answers

Request to reopen question 329904

I would like to request to reopen: What are threads, and what do they do in the processor? This question is perfect for SuperUser SE. Computer hardware question that isn't related to buying ...
8 votes
1 answer

request for burnination/synonyms

In reference to: Should we blacklist the [technical-support] tag? Shouldn't we also do the same for customer-support and palm-support? customer-support is general and also a large percentage of the ...
3 votes
2 answers

How should one use the home tag?

Going through the home tag, it seems there are three primary uses: The home folder, computers that you leave at home, and home networking Which one should be used, if at all?
1 vote
1 answer

superuser rss feed not displaying on Windows7 gadget [closed]

Hi, I searched around superuser and could not find similar question. Many users have problem to "display the gadget", but my problem is that the gadget showed up properly, but only few of my feeds ...
7 votes
1 answer

Burnination and Synonyms Part III (hopefully the last one)

For burnination: sell simple solidworks (rare misspelling) student stuck (worthless as used now) superuser subjective support system (burned, but replaced with system.exe for those who need it) ...
3 votes
2 answers

SU Review, how to stop "watching" a tag

On the review page, I selected a tag to see the questions needed review for that specific subject. But now, I can't find a way to go back and see all the tags combined.
5 votes
2 answers

Please clean up the USB drive tags?

I'm currently updating the Tag wiki for usb and found some irregularities: usb-drive x153 – the most commonly used one, also mentions in the excerpt: "especially devices known otherwise as ...
3 votes
1 answer

Adding Media Library to Blog

The Gaming.StackExchange blog currently has a "Media Library", with an easy method for uploading multiple images to the blog. Currently we do not have this feature on Super User, and it is difficult ...
2 votes
1 answer

Many questions tagged "ide" should be tagged "pata"

Many of the questions currently tagged "ide" should actually be tagged "pata". ide is for integrated development environments, rather than Integrated Drive Electronics.
8 votes
1 answer

Make editing tag wikis more available to experienced users

Currently, tag wikis have very stringent requirements for editing: Tag wikis can be edited by users with more than 1500 reputation, provided: They are in the top 20 answerers for this ...
3 votes
2 answers

Community ad rendering bug in Firefox

I'm having a problem rendering the community ads on Firefox 5.0.1, where they are displayed side-by-side instead of vertically: This problem occurs often under Firefox, but not under Internet ...
5 votes
2 answers

Why do I see my own suggested tag edits in the edit queue?

I've been creating some tag excerpts, but somehow they've made it into my review queue. Of course, I can't accept or reject them, they're just there. Is this a bug or by design?
3 votes
2 answers

What does the [keys] tag mean?

Tag keys seems to be in use for various things. What should be retagged?
30 votes
2 answers

Isn't the close reason "gaming" a dupe of "off-topic" on Super User?

Due to this question, the close reason on Super User not computer related has been replaced with off-topic now: close reasons This ...
1 vote
1 answer

Make timetracking a synonym of the time-tracking tag

I think tags time-tracking and timetracking should be synonyms because their difference is only hyphen
9 votes
1 answer

Top Questions of the Week #26

Now we're into week 26 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
4 votes
2 answers

How often do you get the robot prompt? I've gotten it every time for the past week now. . .

I've noticed that I get prompted and asked if I'm a robot every time recently. I'm curious if this was due to my machine or the site flagging me. And this has been on multiple machines, on different ...
10 votes
3 answers

Top Questions of the Week #25

Now we're into week 25 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
2 votes
1 answer

My question was closed as exact duplicate, but instead was exactly the opposite

my question has been closed as exact duplicate of this - but has anyone bothered to read it? Or do you just blindly cast close votes? The "duplicate" is asking about exactly the opposite of what I ...
9 votes
2 answers

Suspected spam on remote support software question

2 user accounts have been created and all they have done collectively is redundantly suggest TeamViewer here, which is only a half valid answer given the full scope of the question: OS X: What remote ...
5 votes
1 answer

SU Retag request: bootup & booting -> boot

It seems kinda redundant to have booting and boot separate; although one is a verb and one is a noun, it seems like it would be simpler to keep them under one tag (for organization's sake). I'm ...
6 votes
1 answer

SU Tag Merge Request: [monitors] to [monitor]

Really just a cosmetic thing, I think [monitors](19) should be merged into [monitor](290). It makes sense not to fragment the tags based on a plural. I guess, as well, this should be added to the list ...
4 votes
1 answer

Reopen request for question 311304

How to find a given game room in all TS3 servers? is a question about a desktop software, how to operate it. It's not about gaming, and it's not about Google searches. Why was it closed?
7 votes
2 answers

Top Questions of the Week #1

We are planning on featuring every week the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post any question that you feel is of worth and the reason why. Try not to promote your own ...
10 votes
6 answers

Top Questions of the Week #23

Now we're into week 23 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
8 votes
1 answer

Convert to comment results in oops! something bad happened error.

Trying to convert this answer to comment results in oops! something bad happened error. Actual error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
6 votes
2 answers

Top Questions of the Week #21

Now we're into post 21 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
2 votes
1 answer

SU About page has 4 mods elected in 2011, the Election page shows 3

At the bottom of the Super User About page, it shows that four moderators were elected in the 2011 Community Moderator Elections (Sathya, DMA57361, nhinkle, & studiohack). However, on the ...
5 votes
1 answer

SU tag merge request: [install] related

Can the following tag groups on SuperUser be merged? [install] (x239), [installation] (x393), [installing] (x4), [installed] (x1). [installer] (x48), [installers] (x2).
3 votes
1 answer

Please align the Excel tags

We lost the battle on excel already, so now it's labeled microsoft-excel, but I see there is still confusion with the version specific tags. microsoft-excel-2002 microsoft-excel-2003 excel-2003 ...
7 votes
1 answer

Top Questions of the Week #20

Now we're into post 20 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
11 votes
2 answers

Top Questions of the Week #19

Now we're into post 19 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
11 votes
1 answer

Ambiguous Tag: "atom"

Current status: The tag atom in its current form is used for both: The Intel Atom CPU architecture The Atom standard for XML-based web feeds Resolution: There already is an intel-atom tag. I've ...
3 votes
1 answer

Top Questions of the Week #18

Now we're into post 18 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
4 votes
1 answer

Content of low quality posts is shown as "1"

The content of several posts is shown as "1". These appear to all be candidate low quality posts with a negative score on the review page: Opening the post and clicking edit reveals the proper ...
7 votes
1 answer

Question migrated to Meta.SuperUser has incorrect URL in the Global Inbox permalink

Soon as a question is posted on meta, diamond mods get a notification of that in their inbox. I just migrated a question from to and found that the question ...
11 votes
1 answer

'Lost' tag is meaningless

This is on 8 questions, and I just saw it used as recently as today. This seems like the definition of a meta tag to me and should probably go away, yes?
11 votes
3 answers

Top Questions of the Week #17

Now we're into post 17 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
8 votes
1 answer

Why is code highlighted in preview, but not in the actual post?

I'm editing my answer to this post and wonder why code blocks are highlighted in the editor's preview, but not in the answer itself. Is it a bug? I don't remember ever having seen code blocks ...