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Questions tagged [support]

A request for assistance from community, moderators, or staff with one of the site's features

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3 votes
2 answers

Why this question was closed?

This question was closed as subjective and argumentative: What's your favourite “super user” Anti-boss technique Waiting for the "Not Programming related" proposal, i thought my question would fit ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why aren't there any SuperUser users with a Beta badge?

Why aren't there any SuperUser users with a Beta badge?
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Change accidental vote

I accidentally down voted an answer (fat fingers on a small phone) and didn't notice until after it was locked. How can I undo my down vote?
dav's user avatar
  • 10.4k
3 votes
1 answer

I deleted my own question, can I get it back?

I deleted my question, because I saw a big flaw in it and didn't want a ton of downvotes.. I fixed it (it still had the option), and when I clicked 'OK' it said the question had been deleted (...
cutrightjm's user avatar
  • 4,404
3 votes
2 answers

Consider migrating all questions tagged Android to android SE

There are a few dozen questions in Super User tagged android. Most of these have been closed as off-topic. They should be migrated to the relevant SE.
Nathan Fellman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

SU Retag Request: [cmd] --> [command-line]

All questions tagged cmd are also tagged windows or something similar, given that there is already a more popular tag command-line shouldn't we just retag all questions? cmd might be made a synonym ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

SU Retag Request: [network] --> [networking]

Similar to SU Retag Request: wireless-network --> wireless-networking. Can we retag network to networking? Was doing this manually because I saw this first, until I saw it lists 400+ questions. :-( ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why can’t I edit this question but I can still edit others?

I don’t have the magically 2,000+ to actually edit content independently, but why can’t I edit this quite obviously messed up post: Cannot access the Internet even though it shows to be connected on ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 55.9k
2 votes
1 answer

SU Retag Request: [applications] --> [software]

applications might benefit from being merged to software.
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why do line breaks not work for me in comments?

The help text recommends insertion of a double space when a line break is required. It don't work for me. The answer here is not helpful.
Pablo678's user avatar
  • 135
2 votes
1 answer

Is a duplicate question closed?

I'm struggling with a help center topic "duplicates". If a question is marked as "duplicate" (by user votes) is it already closed as well? If not, and the close process still has to be initialized, ...
Albin's user avatar
  • 11k
2 votes
3 answers

Where can I ask the question about only for mobile?

I need some software for my mobile and I know I can't ask it on SU because it's not related with PCs in some way. So for mobiles, where can I ask questions? Does the Stack Exchange Network have any ...
avirk's user avatar
  • 15.8k
2 votes
1 answer

Load an image in Superuser?

I looked at the superuser help but I'm still unable to know how to load a jpg I created with a screenshot to be pasted in Superuser in order to explain myself better
AMDG's user avatar
  • 419
2 votes
1 answer

$RECYCLE.BIN question that is not a duplicate marked as a duplicate

Oliver Salzburg♦ marked my question... How to delete $RECYCLE.BIN folder on external hard disk? a duplicate of... There is a “$REYCLE.BIN” folder in my external hard drive; can I delete ...
Daniel A.A. Pelsmaeker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why am I requested to log in again before I can post a question even though I have logged in

I had not learned of Super User community until two days ago when my question was migrated from Software community to Super User community. (I did not remember that I had joined in this community 10 ...
kitty's user avatar
  • 197
2 votes
7 answers

Retag cmd, cli, terminal, and into command-line

command-line probably is/should be the canonical tag, with 782 questions. cmd is more Windows-oriented, but is still command-line. cli is about half-and-half, with half on Windows and half on Linux. ...
Hello71's user avatar
  • 8,527
2 votes
1 answer

Many questions tagged "ide" should be tagged "pata"

Many of the questions currently tagged "ide" should actually be tagged "pata". ide is for integrated development environments, rather than Integrated Drive Electronics.
Mechanical snail's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why was I banned?

I have asked one question on this site that received one answer. The question was marked as a possible dupe (I don't dispute that). The question: force programs and connections to use a proxy server ...
bharal's user avatar
  • 171
2 votes
1 answer

Disagreeing with a failed review audit

I failed this review audit right now: Why was this a bad answer? What they said seemed reasonable, and since I don't have the required knowledge to ...
Valmiky Arquissandas's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Are user-level troubleshooting questions appropriate?

Questions like: When Abode Reader plugin attempts to open web documents in IE8, sometimes a blank dialog box appears and the document fails to open.
ThomasMcLeod's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Empty tooltip for non-existing tag

When asking a new question and creating a tag that doesn't exist I get just an empty hover-up box. I haven't tried to actually post a question with a bogus tag, so I'm not sure if this behaviour ...
Jawa's user avatar
  • 3,669
2 votes
1 answer

Is there any particular reason why the flag counter on my moderator election nomination is different from what the flag counter on my profile says?

The flag counter on my moderator nomination states that I have 364 helpful flags (as of the instant this question was posted). However, the counter on my user profile states that I have 535 helpful ...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,851
1 vote
2 answers

Closed DLNA question

Yesterday i edited my closed question to specify that i will be using it for my computer, as explicitly stated by the FAQ: Super User is for computer enthusiasts and power users. If you have a ...
Cees Timmerman's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Unclear flag policy for low-reputation users

I've been notified by a mod at Android Enthusiasts of my abuse of the flag system. I'm sorry, but we're not going to keep converting [your non-answers] to comments for you. Earn 50 rep and you ...
zero2cx's user avatar
  • 641
1 vote
1 answer

Why is a suggested edit not available?

Opening results in a 404 message. 8464 and 8466 can be viewed. What are possible causes for the unavailability of suggested edits (for 10k+ users)?
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
1 vote
1 answer

How to add my photo to SU account?

I tired to add my photo to my profile, it redireted me to Gravatar i added my photo there, then what, i don't understand the next step.. Thank you for your help
AlBouazizi's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can we bump threads? [duplicate]

I have seen a post here, which I was reluctant to flag, but apparently has just been deleted. The post was an answer to "up" the thread. Obviously, that is not an answer, and thus deserved a flag, ...
Valmiky Arquissandas's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Would the displacement of this question help?

Notwithstanding the close reason, the answers volunteered for this question are supernal, inestimable and efficacious, and would truly help many others. Thus, Would you please move this to ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is my superuser username suddenly user2293 instead of leeand00?

Must be a bug or something.
leeand00's user avatar
  • 22.9k
1 vote
3 answers

Why can't I register on SuperUser without OpenID?

I left the "register" window open for two days and it never completed. How can I register without using an OpenID?
Liam's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
1 answer

How should we treat questions involving mobile computers like barcode scanners that use Windows Mobile?

UPDATE - I found this proposal over on area51. It suggests a StackExchange site for Windows Mobile. Go follow it if you want to see this! I've been using a computer like this at work for the last ...
Tyler Faile's user avatar
  • 2,920
1 vote
3 answers

Is there any way to see all the questions that are tagged with my favorite tags?

I want to visit and I want to see just all the asked questions or all active questions that are tagged with my favorite tags. I know I can search with one tag, but I want to ...
Hamed's user avatar
  • 5,793
1 vote
1 answer

inserting a line break in a comment [duplicate]

Is this possible? It gets annoying when I want to address two different things in one comment (or two different people) and it all gets crammed together.
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
1 vote
1 answer

How do I have 199 reputation on Meta if I haven't asked questions on here before?

I haven't asked a question on here before, but yet my meta reputation is 199. How?
superuser's user avatar
  • 3,524
1 vote
0 answers

Received 38 downvotes on different posts in 4 minutes [duplicate]

This is my reputation history right now: These are 38 of my highest-voted questions and answers. Looks like I made some enemies. Could moderators handle this, please?
gronostaj's user avatar
  • 57.6k
0 votes
1 answer

Merge tags "tab" and "tabs"

Both tab and tabs refer to the exact same thing and thus should be merged.
Alex's user avatar
  • 1,865
0 votes
1 answer

Do mods still merge spam users into the deposit user?

I know that a while ago, instead of outright deleting/destroying newly created users who post spam, they would be suspended and then merged into a single user (
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,851
0 votes
1 answer

Why was this First Post deleted even if it does not deserve deletion?

I was reviewing First Posts today and stumbled on this answer as a review audit. To me, it seems like such an answer would be allowed as: it isn't spam or offensive, it is an answer, as it eventually ...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,851
0 votes
1 answer

Find out, why a question was deleted

Why was this question deleted? And can you please undelete it? It sais there: deleted by ...
rubo77's user avatar
  • 5,078
0 votes
0 answers

Get rid of product-rec tag

product-rec looks to be a good candidate for deletion, or do we keep it around as a match for software-rec and hardware-rec?
Karan's user avatar
  • 56.8k
0 votes
1 answer

I thought the accepted answer is always listed first - here it is second. Huh?

How is it possible that this question has the top-voted-but-not-accepted answer listed first, instead of the accepted answer? What's the easiest way to get text onto a Kindle?
n611x007's user avatar
  • 6,466
-1 votes
2 answers

Why was this question closed? I think this is a legitimate question about a piece of software (the Kindle's OS) which was abruptly closed by a ...
Tom Tresansky's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Why do certain commenters take a rude tone with new users?

I saw this question: Video Player code (JavaScript, HTML5 etc), and I thought it might be good to give the person a way to solve the problem, even though it isn't on topic for this website. I've ...
user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Why are my questions judged as low quality?

When I write questions on Super User, I often find that I am rejected when I click submit after typing a paragraph; including my previous research on the subject, and so on. It says that my question ...
Jon Valentine's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Sudden Loss of Reputation [closed]

A minute ago I reached 1,512 in 5 minutes from 1,474. Now i am back to 1,474 in just 5 minutes. How is this possible . Please any moderator tell me where I lost my rep. What is happening. Ed: I ...
subanki's user avatar
  • 7,716
-2 votes
2 answers

Suggested edits still not approved

I've submitted too many edits, which isn't unusual for me, and when I try to edit anymore posts, I get the message saying that I need to wait for my other submitted edits to be approved (as you do). ...
Virtuality's user avatar
  • 1,321
-2 votes
2 answers

Can I get notified when my comment is deleted

Two days ago I replied to a comment (under my own question, which happened to be closed later). To my surprise my last comment was seemingly deleted by an admin. The comment was acceptable, as I ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
  • 685
-2 votes
1 answer

SU Retag Request: [startup] --> [boot]

startup might benefit from being merged to boot.
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Which Stack Exchange site should I post a question about certificate providers to? That was closed as being off topic. In my mind it ''does'' "relate to computer software" just as much as such questions as "What's a good free GUI zip client for ...
neubert's user avatar
  • 7,334
-2 votes
1 answer

Is there any chance to return ability to make question or should i open a new account

My account is blocked , so I can't make any question anymore. Is there any chance to be unblocked or I just should open a new account ?
alex's user avatar
  • 1,071