Questions tagged [syntax-highlighting]

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21 votes
1 answer

Make syntax highlighting possible to enable with prettify language codes

On Super User syntax highlighting is turned off. But there are questions on Super User where syntax highlighting can be helpful. Therefore I suggest that syntax highlighting is made possible to enable ...
N.N.'s user avatar
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16 votes
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Make "code / command"-background more visible

I write code or commands using "backticks". But on SuperUser, the background doesn't have much visual contrast, so if I write multiple commands separated with comma or a single word, it's hard to ...
Jonas's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Powershell and Batch syntax highlighting not working logically

Syntax highlighting for both Powershell and Batch works if specified manually in an HTML comment, but not via a code block: Doesn't Work: (code block) ```bat ```powershell Works: (HTML comment) &...
JW0914's user avatar
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Why can't Superuser highlight Powershell syntax but SE Android App can?

In this answer I added a small Powershell script. In Firefox and Chromium, that code doesn't show syntax highlighting. I'm using latest Firefox and Chromium browsers and don't want to change it. ...
Biswapriyo's user avatar
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