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Questions tagged [tag-synonym-request]

A request to add one tag as the synonym of another tag. Please be specific about which tag should be a synonym of which. Bidirectional synonyms and cycles are implicitly disallowed, so suggest wisely.

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9 votes
0 answers

Consider removing the [windows-10-final] tag synonym from [windows-10]

windows-10-final is currently a synonym of windows-10. Previously, windows-10-final referred to non-preview Windows 10 builds (i.e. "final" meaning Windows 10 after its official release, ...
AJM's user avatar
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13 votes
0 answers

Inconsistent tags: .bash-profile (with dot) vs bashrc (no dot)

Problem There is the tag .bash-profile, note the leading dot. Currently it has no synonyms, so the "canonical" tag is naturally with the dot. And there is also bashrc with .bashrc as its ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Make [on-hold] synonymous of [closed-questions]

I kindly request to make on-hold synonymous with closed-questions "on-hold" was a wording used between 2013 and 2019. Nowadays, it's used "closed": on-hold has no tag wiki and has ...
Wicket's user avatar
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Fixing .NET tag names and synonyms to reflect the current official naming convention

In November 2020, Microsoft released .NET 5.0 and the "Core" branding was removed. Alas, 2011's Merge some .NET tags request messed up present times by doing the opposite - removing the word ...
LWC's user avatar
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4 votes
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Tag synonym request: diskonkey -> usb-flash-drive

Can someone with tag synonym rights in usb-flash-drive consider implementing diskonkey as a synonym? There was a new question in the tag a few minutes ago, and I had to look up what a "Disk on ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
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3 votes
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Make [procmon] a synonym of [process-monitor]?

The tag description for process-monitor is: Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. while procmon is: ...
riQQ's user avatar
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22 votes
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Merge [EFI] and [UEFI] tags?

The tag description for EFI is : EFI stands for Extensible Firmware Interface, and is an updated version of BIOS. It sits between firmware and the operating system in the software stack. while ...
lx07's user avatar
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26 votes
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Merge Request: [visual-studio-code] and [vscode]

I would like to propose making vscode a synonym of visual-studio-code. Questions regarding Visual Studio Code are actively posted under both the visual-studio-code and vscode tags. There is no ...
Alex Myers's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Extending the range of wireless-extender

Is it possible to get the tag range-extender converted to a synonym of wireless-extender? The questions in each category seem to be talking about extending the range of wireless signals. What does ...
Burgi's user avatar
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-3 votes
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kvm tag should be re-synonymized to linux-kvm

Way back in the early days of SU the tag kvm was synonymized to kvm-switch apparently without a whole lot of discussion. But this is resulting in a lot of confusion, as most people seem to expect the ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Merge or synonymize request: [powershell-core] and [powershell-6.0]

Actually Microsoft changed naming several times and right now they called it Microsoft Powershell Core 6.0 Both tags contain no questions right now so it is better to put things in order right now. ...
maoizm's user avatar
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11 votes
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Merge [aero-snap] and [windows-snap-assist]

aero-snap has 44 questions whereas there are only 7 questions in windows-snap-assist. They're small enough that none of them has a wiki. They're all about snapping feature in Windows Aero aero and ...
phuclv's user avatar
  • 29.1k
7 votes
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Merging [character-set] and [charset]

Both are about character sets, but they don't have any wiki character-set has only 8 questions charset has 24 questions I think charset should be made a synonym of character-set
phuclv's user avatar
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10 votes
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Synonymize [keyboard-shortcuts] and [hotkeys]

keyboard-shortcuts has 3.7k questions. Its tag guidance says: “Keyboard shortcuts are combinations and oft-struck keys that help you work faster, or do more with less typing.” hotkeys has 626 ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
12 votes
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Tag synonym request: vmware-player to vmware-workstation-player

Someone asked a question that was explicitly about VMware Workstation Player. They tagged it with the vmware-workstation tag, which has traditionally been used for the product that is now known as ...
jamesdlin's user avatar
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7 votes
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Should [httpd] be a synonym for [apache-http-server]?

According to this Ask Ubuntu answer "httpd" and "apache2" are basically the same in "big" OS-es. httpd is the same as apache2. It depends on the OS you use. For example in RHEL 6.2 it is called ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
12 votes
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Should [tag:dynamic-dns] and [tag:ddns] be merged?

Should dynamic-dns and ddns be merged? I see a few questions that are tagged with both, and from the descriptions it's not clear what differences, if any, exist between them.
CJ Dennis's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the difference: [flag] and [flagging]

Here in Meta Super User, we have flag and flagging flagging has more questions that flag. What is the difference? Are these tags synonymic? If yes, which one should we keep?
Vylix's user avatar
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Synonomize tags for new Firefox

Quantum is the release name for Firefox 57. It looks like people are referring to the new browser by either name, and we have tags for both. It is probably useful to have both tags, but they should ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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5 votes
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Make [flux] a synonym for [f.lux]

For those who haven't never heard of f.lux before, here's a brief description via Wikipedia. f.lux is a cross-platform computer program that adjusts a display's color temperature according to ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Add synonym "windows-10-creators-update" -> "windows-10-v1703"

The various updates for Windows 10 should have tag synonyms for their official titles. This would include the following: windows-10-creators-update -> windows-10-v1703 windows-10-anniversary-update ->...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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22 votes
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Rename macos tag?

We just did a tag synonym reversal for osx and macos. The move was technically correct, but it's creating an unanticipated problem (at least for me, I'm just assuming some others are similarly ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
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Tag Synonym Request: adobe-flash-player to flash-player

Or, you know, vice versa... adobe-flash-player should be linked, somehow, with flash-player. My preference is to include the manufacturer's name in the product, but either way would work
Canadian Luke's user avatar
15 votes
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OS X / macOS tag synonyms should be reversed

It's been a few years since we synonymized macos to osx. At the time, we did this to distinguish incorrect uses of the tag from questions related to the old “Classic” Mac OS tagged under mac-os-...
slhck's user avatar
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9 votes
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Please merge [tag:extended-desktop] [tag:multiple-desktop]

Those 2 tags are exact duplicates : extended-desktopmultiple-desktop isn’t it ?
user2284570's user avatar
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3 answers

aria2 vs. aria2c?

A proposed tag wiki edit raised a question about two tags: aria2 and aria2c. The first has 5 questions, the second has 8, and a number of these questions have both. I'm not familiar with the program,...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
11 votes
1 answer

Google Apps is now called G Suite

Google has renamed Google Apps to G Suite: We created Google Apps to help people everywhere work and innovate together, so organizations can move faster and achieve more. On September 29, 2016, ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Synonomize [veriton]

A new acer-veriton tag was recently created. It has a wiki excerpt and a single question. There was an existing veriton tag, with no wiki contents, and three questions after I removed the tag on one ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
14 votes
1 answer

Can we get [mac] and cheese without the cheese?

Almost since Super User was created, there has been Meta discussion about misuse of the mac tag: Mac and osx tag usage on SU mac, osx, and osx-lion tags Should we do something about the [osx] / [mac] ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
8 votes
1 answer

Synonomize Red Hat tags

redhat is among the remaining manufacturer meta tags. Roughly 500 of the questions have been cleaned up; the ones needing general tag remediation. About 136 questions remain. All of these refer to ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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17 votes
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Revert []?

We have openoffice which is synonomized with as the primary. The OpenOffice suite is still around, but not Around five years ago, it became Apache OpenOffice. I ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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3 votes
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Synonymize [mfp] and [printer-scanner] with [multi-function-printer]

Thanks to Burgi, mfp (10 Q's) now has a definition (and some more questions). Unfortunately, whoever originally created the tag opted for cryptic. Suggest making it a synonym of a new tag: multi-...
fixer1234's user avatar
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2 votes
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Synonymizations for [graphics-editing] before pumpkinization happens

graphics-design and synonomized graphic-design had 20-odd questions and the tag was undefined. Since graphic design isn't really on-topic, I looked at the associated questions. Most were just ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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0 votes
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Synonize [hangouts] with [google-hangouts]

hangouts has 12 questions, all referring to Google Hangouts. We also have a google-hangouts tag with 38 questions. Suggest synonomizing hangouts with google-hangouts.
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
2 votes
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Synonomize [ttf]

true-type-fonts has 42 questions. ttf has 4 questions, two of which are double-tagged with true-type-fonts. I would simply clean this up to eliminate ttf except that there may be value in retaining ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Merging or Linking Tags [duplicate]

There are very strong rumours that Apple will be rebranding OSX to macOS in June 2016. Would it be a good idea to merge osx tags with macos ahead of time? Or at the very least link the two terms ...
Burgi's user avatar
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We've hit some [traffic] and need to merge

traffic seems to be the same tag as network-traffic (some questions even use both at once). Should they be merged & synonymised? Furthermore, there is also traffic-filtering and traffic-shaping, ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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Are we [licensed] for all this?

I think license-key and product-key should be synonyms. There's also software-activation. I also don't see why the 12 volume-license questions aren't just tagged with license given you can get volume ...
Raystafarian's user avatar
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It's time we managed [time-management] [duplicate]

Tags time-management and time-tracking both exist. With very few questions (44 total) and haven't been used in a year (or two). Perhaps these should be synonyms. I'd say keep time-management, but ...
Raystafarian's user avatar
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8 votes
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Compare [comparison] and [file-comparison]

We have: comparison 201 questions File comparison is the process of comparing the contents of files, finding their common contents and their differences, usually using an automated tool And: ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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Should the hyper-threading tag be made a synonym of a new hardware-multithreading tag?

While many questions on hardware multithreading on SuperUser will concern Intel's Hyper-Threading, a significant fraction concern hardware multithreading more generally. (Those concerning actual Hyper-...
user avatar
4 votes
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Merge [IP] with [IP-address]

ip and ip-address cover the same topic. Please merge them.
user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

r e n a m e spaces

We have two tags which seem to be text based: tabs & spaces. However, tabs is defined for the graphical user interface feature that allows multiple documents to be contained within a single ...
Hennes's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Merge [bugcheck] into [bsod]

bugcheck contains 16 questions, practically all of which are about bsod. "Bugcheck" is the technical term for a BSOD and so the tags should be merged. Your thoughts?
bwDraco's user avatar
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3 votes
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What is the tag “optical” used for and what is “optical-drive” used for?

Aren't those two, optical and optical-drive the same? If not, could somebody please add a text to both of them which explains the difference?
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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What is the tag "external" used for and what is "external-drive" used for?

This might be a language problem, but aren't external and external-drive two the same? If not, could somebody please add a text to both of them?
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Would the [desktop-shortcut] be the same as the [file-shortcut]? [closed]

Would the [desktop-shortcut] be the same as the [file-shortcut]?
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Tag merge: [powersave] vs. [power-management]

I asked a question on power saving: Disable Wi-Fi on GA-F2A88XN-WIFI motherboard? I noticed there are separate tags for powersave and power-management.  Is there any reason not to make the former a ...
Nemo's user avatar
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`modern-ui` to `windows-store-app`

Currently modern-ui is described as: Modern UI, officially named "Windows Store" apps, is how we refer to the new design language and style used in Windows 8 (and Windows Phones) It's an obsolete ...
Insane's user avatar
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Synonymise tags [osx-el-capitan] & [osx-10.11]

I just created these 2 tags. Could someone please synonymise them for me, I don't have the rep to do it. Also: [osx-10.7] and [osx-lion] [osx-10.6] and [osx-snow-leopard] [osx-10.5] and [osx-...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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