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Questions tagged [tag-synonym-request]

A request to add one tag as the synonym of another tag. Please be specific about which tag should be a synonym of which. Bidirectional synonyms and cycles are implicitly disallowed, so suggest wisely.

30 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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22 votes
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Merge [EFI] and [UEFI] tags?

The tag description for EFI is : EFI stands for Extensible Firmware Interface, and is an updated version of BIOS. It sits between firmware and the operating system in the software stack. while ...
lx07's user avatar
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Tag Synonym request: [task-scheduler] vs. [windows-task-scheduler]

A pair of tags I came across on Super User - both task-scheduler and windows-task-scheduler exist, but as far I can see they're both the same thing: task-scheduler: a component in Windows that, like ...
Hannele's user avatar
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19 votes
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Synonomize tags for new Firefox

Quantum is the release name for Firefox 57. It looks like people are referring to the new browser by either name, and we have tags for both. It is probably useful to have both tags, but they should ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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19 votes
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Sorting out Chrome-related tags

Someone's muddled the chrome-related tags! Chromium is an open-source web browser. Chrome is a closed-source derivative of Chromium made by Google. Chrome OS is an operating system based on the ...
WindowsEscapist's user avatar
13 votes
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Inconsistent tags: .bash-profile (with dot) vs bashrc (no dot)

Problem There is the tag .bash-profile, note the leading dot. Currently it has no synonyms, so the "canonical" tag is naturally with the dot. And there is also bashrc with .bashrc as its ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
12 votes
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Tag synonym request: vmware-player to vmware-workstation-player

Someone asked a question that was explicitly about VMware Workstation Player. They tagged it with the vmware-workstation tag, which has traditionally been used for the product that is now known as ...
jamesdlin's user avatar
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Should [tag:dynamic-dns] and [tag:ddns] be merged?

Should dynamic-dns and ddns be merged? I see a few questions that are tagged with both, and from the descriptions it's not clear what differences, if any, exist between them.
CJ Dennis's user avatar
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12 votes
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Merge [email-rules] and [email-filter]

email-rules has 1 follower and 61 67 uses: Actions performed automatically on incoming or outgoing messages, based on conditions that you specify. email-filter has 0 followers and 48 51 uses: ...
Kenster's user avatar
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11 votes
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Merge [aero-snap] and [windows-snap-assist]

aero-snap has 44 questions whereas there are only 7 questions in windows-snap-assist. They're small enough that none of them has a wiki. They're all about snapping feature in Windows Aero aero and ...
phuclv's user avatar
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10 votes
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Synonymize [keyboard-shortcuts] and [hotkeys]

keyboard-shortcuts has 3.7k questions. Its tag guidance says: “Keyboard shortcuts are combinations and oft-struck keys that help you work faster, or do more with less typing.” hotkeys has 626 ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
10 votes
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Can we merge the tags speech-to-text and voice command into "speech recognition"?

I've just created a tag wiki for speech-recognition (should be under review by now). I propose that we merge speech-to-text and speech-recognition into speech-recognition because it is the most ...
user 99572 is fine's user avatar
9 votes
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Consider removing the [windows-10-final] tag synonym from [windows-10]

windows-10-final is currently a synonym of windows-10. Previously, windows-10-final referred to non-preview Windows 10 builds (i.e. "final" meaning Windows 10 after its official release, ...
AJM's user avatar
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8 votes
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Request to merge or cleanup tags related to "system-monitoring"

I have recently added a tag wiki excerpt for system-monitoring and found out that there are several tags that might be related to it and therefore might be considered as tag synonyms. Such tags ...
Peachy's user avatar
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7 votes
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Merging [character-set] and [charset]

Both are about character sets, but they don't have any wiki character-set has only 8 questions charset has 24 questions I think charset should be made a synonym of character-set
phuclv's user avatar
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6 votes
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Rename [printer-scanner] tag?

Suggest broadening the printer-scanner tag to multifunction-printer. Many of these devices include fax and the more generic term would be a logical one that wouldn't cause confusion. There is an ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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6 votes
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Unify the `http-status-codes-nnn` tags under `http-status-codes`

I just asked this question, which I wanted to tag with http-status-codes. However, no such tag exists, and I don't have enough rep to create the tag. I think the tag would nicely unify the existing ...
Asad Saeeduddin's user avatar
5 votes
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Synonymise tags [osx-el-capitan] & [osx-10.11]

I just created these 2 tags. Could someone please synonymise them for me, I don't have the rep to do it. Also: [osx-10.7] and [osx-lion] [osx-10.6] and [osx-snow-leopard] [osx-10.5] and [osx-...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Synonymize [tfs] with [team-foundation-server]

It looks like the Team Foundation Server tags have gotten jumbled: tfs has a tag wiki excerpt, but only three questions. team-foundation-server has 34 questions, but no wiki excerpt. TFS is a pretty ...
nc4pk's user avatar
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Screen Recording and Screen Capturing tags

I would merge desktop-recording (x8) and screen-recorder (x18) into screen-capture (x122). After that, should we — per Daniel's suggestion — try to split up screen-capture into more precise tags, i.e....
slhck's user avatar
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4 votes
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Merge [IP] with [IP-address]

ip and ip-address cover the same topic. Please merge them.
user avatar
2 votes
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Fixing .NET tag names and synonyms to reflect the current official naming convention

In November 2020, Microsoft released .NET 5.0 and the "Core" branding was removed. Alas, 2011's Merge some .NET tags request messed up present times by doing the opposite - removing the word ...
LWC's user avatar
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Tag Synonym Request: adobe-flash-player to flash-player

Or, you know, vice versa... adobe-flash-player should be linked, somehow, with flash-player. My preference is to include the manufacturer's name in the product, but either way would work
Canadian Luke's user avatar
2 votes
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Should the hyper-threading tag be made a synonym of a new hardware-multithreading tag?

While many questions on hardware multithreading on SuperUser will concern Intel's Hyper-Threading, a significant fraction concern hardware multithreading more generally. (Those concerning actual Hyper-...
user avatar
2 votes
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Should we Merge/Synonymise [button-remapping]/[remapping] -> [keyboard-layout]?

button-remapping and remapping are the same thing, and keyboard-layout's Tag description says to use it for remapping keys. I'm for merging both of the former into the latter. Does this seem sensible?...
Robotnik's user avatar
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Synonymize ipkg and opkg, or not?

There's ipkg (where development has stalled) and its fork opkg (a package manager used by eg. OpenWRT, actively maintained). OpenWRT is used in home networking by enthusiasts, which is on-topic here. ...
Jens Erat's user avatar
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Time for [wake-up] to go back to [sleep]

The tag wake-up is used mainly to describe the process of waking up from sleep. I think that the process of system sleep/wake-up are too similar, (and ultimately about the same process) to warrant ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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Bad name for [modern-ui] tag

modern-ui was AFAIK never the official name from Microsoft. It was always either knows by the codename “Metro”, by the internally used name “Immersive” or by the moniker “Windows Store apps” Request: ...
kinokijuf's user avatar
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Duplicate tags about duplicate files

deduplication duplicate seems to be used for deduplication but some are about how to create duplicate files. duplicate-files duplicating I suggest merging into deduplication for most of those ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
0 votes
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Make [hardware-selection] a synonym of [hardware-rec]

All hardware-selection questions are actually hardware-rec. It's only 6 questions, but hardware-rec has just 192, so hardware-selection makes 3% of the total - I think it's popular enough to be ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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"Key-combination" synonym for "keyboard-shortcuts" tag

I think there should be key-combination synonym for keyboard-shortcuts tag.
user1306322's user avatar
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