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Can we rename "window" to "gui-window"?

When I was looking around in the windows tag (while waiting for an answer...) I noticed that many people when they were talking about the Windows OS, they tagged it both with windows and window. I do ...
Anonymous Penguin's user avatar
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Should the "certificates" and "trusted-root-certificates" tags be merged?

On SU there are these two tags dealing with certificates: certificate trusted-root-certificates I'm wondering, are they too close to each other to have meaningful difference? I mean, should we just ...
K.A.Monica's user avatar
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Find the tags with the most/least answered questions

Is there a way to view this? I know that by clicking on the tag will show the number of questions that are answered overall, in the last 30 days, and the last 7 days. Is there a broader list that ...
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
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Another metatag to remove [toggle] [closed]

Trogdor? Please burninate the tag toggle.
Nifle's user avatar
  • 34.8k
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Tags are not appearing properly in Tags Field

Why this tags are not displaying properly on IE8? Whether this is an known issue?
Siva Charan's user avatar
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Should virtualization questions be tagged as both virtualbox and vmware?

Should virtualization questions be tagged as both virtualbox and vmware?
Hello71's user avatar
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Possible to suggest tag(s) after scanning through the question?

Is it possible to add this feature - after user enter his/her question into the question text area, the website will auto insert some suggestive tags for the question and insert them automatically in ...
Jack's user avatar
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Do not automatically expire single-use tags

There is an automatic job that deletes single-use tags after 6 months. No attempt is made at determining whether the tags are good and should remain, or whether the tags are a variant name of another ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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Merging or Linking Tags [duplicate]

There are very strong rumours that Apple will be rebranding OSX to macOS in June 2016. Would it be a good idea to merge osx tags with macos ahead of time? Or at the very least link the two terms ...
Burgi's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there any way to see all the questions that are tagged with my favorite tags?

I want to visit and I want to see just all the asked questions or all active questions that are tagged with my favorite tags. I know I can search with one tag, but I want to ...
Hamed's user avatar
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Doesn't the "untagged" tag defeat the purpose?

Today, I noticed a new tag called "untagged." Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the tagging system? How do you flag a tag for removal?
Yitzchak's user avatar
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Would Altap Salamander deserve a tag of its own?

Would Altap Salamander (also known as Servant Salamander) deserve a tag of its own or is it not notable enough? Another two-pane file manager, the free (as in beer) Total Commander currently has 52 ...
Peter Mortensen's user avatar
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Should the [windows-8.1] tag be a synonym of [windows-8]?

Windows 8.1 is due for release very soon, and I recently noticed the windows-8.1 tag. I wanted to bring two questions up for consideration: Should the tag windows-blue also exist, and be made a ...
Anonymous Penguin's user avatar
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Burn the stackexchange tag on the main site

Personally, I cannot think of a single question that would be on topic that uses that tag, and the questions currently tagged with this tag reflect that.
soandos's user avatar
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Deprecate product version preview tags - just use new version tag straight away

(Related to What will happen to the Windows-8-Preview tag once Windows 8 goes live?) I notice windows-10 is synonymous with windows-10-preview. What's the rationale here? In theory having the two ...
Reg Edit's user avatar
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When should the operating system be included in questions and tags?

On a question I recently asked regarding passwords on PDFs, a comment was made that the OS should be included in the description and a tag for it used. When is it a good idea to include the OS? It ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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Should we remove general tags (in favour of specific tags) immediately, or create a Meta for review first?

In many cases, questions will be tagged with both a specific tag and a general tag. For example, network-interface and interface on a question dealing with network interfacing. Both tags are ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Rename tag [tortoise-svn] to [tortoisesvn] to be consistent with other stack* sites

I world like to propose tha the tag tortoise-svn is renamed to tortoisesvn, because that is the tag that is used on stackowerflow. That makes the cross site feature tagging better.
BennyBechDk's user avatar
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Need help with Watch Tag Issue

I was in a post, I put my mouse over an item to click, I clicked and at the same instant a Watch Tag popped up and I clicked it instead. How do I clear Watch Tags - that is, how do I reset them?
user avatar
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RSS feed for favorite tags?

I noticed that every tag has its own RSS feed, it's a handy feature to follow particular subjects. I wonder of there is something similar for own favorite tags: I know that I can individually ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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Create Tag for BHO on SU

Like google-chrome-extensions, please create a tag for browser-helper-objects (BHO) on superuser.
vulcan raven's user avatar
1 vote
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Add the URL to a site recommendation question from Meta SE about Wordpress to [wordpress] tag excerpt

Tl;Dr: Is it OK to add the url to Where should I ask WordPress questions? (Question from Meta SE) to the wordpress tag excerpt? The reason is that while some questions about Worpress might be on topic ...
user avatar
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Which sorting superuser use for displaying reputations of users in one page

I have come across this page and most of the elements look like in sorted order, but some elements are not in sorted order. Is it supposed to ...
P Satish Patro's user avatar
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Duplicate tags for "USB stick" never closed

This question is still in action: What is the standard term for a USB flash-drive/pen/thumb/stick? ... I have found 4 usb drive tags: usb-flash-drive usb-drive usb-stick usb-storage Perhaps there ...
Blue Ice's user avatar
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Why is a tag too similar to itself? [duplicate]

I wanted to tag this question with variables. When I typed "vari" the only suggestion was environment-variables.  Since the description says "system-wide" and my question concerned ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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How to use redundant tags (eg microsoft-excel, excel-2007)

I think I'm not using tags correctly I was always going for the "how to ask" rule: "be as specific as possible". This edit here: the rejection ...
Albin's user avatar
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there is no telegram tag

I was going to ask some question about telegram app and I noticed that there is no telegram related tag! Please add "telegram" and telegram related (such as telegram-desktop and such) tags.
Amir Hossein Baghernezad's user avatar
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It is ok to to edit posts to add tags that are related to answers rather than questions? [duplicate]

I'd like to know if it is ok to add a tag to a post that help categorizing it but it is more related to the answer rather than to the question. This doubt is related to this question How to create an ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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How should be approach Windows 8 Store apps tags?

There are times where users have specific question about specific apps within Windows 8. How should we tag these specific questions? I propose we do the following: Have a general windows-8-store-...
James Mertz's user avatar
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Is it okay to create a tag for a specific class of problem?

I've recently noticed 4 different questions that come down to "I've noticed that I get full speed from my Linksys Wi-Fi AP right after I reboot/reset/reconfigure it, but after a few minutes it goes ...
Spiff's user avatar
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What is the difference between the "unzip" and "extract" tags?

I understand that unzip is referring to decompressing a file that has been previously compressed, but I don't understand the difference between unzip, and extract, considering also that, for example, ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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Favorite tags in Chrome isn't displaying correctly [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: SuperUser bug: badge border is cut off in Chrome, fine in Firefox Chrome displays Favorite Tag on home page like this: I have confirm this on Chrome v12, v13, and v14 on ...
SgtOJ's user avatar
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How specific should tags get? e.g., [3tb-hard-drive] vs [hard-drive]

Been doing some tag cleanup recently and noticed this oddity: Boot utilities for 3 TB hard drives Now, in this case it almost makes sense since this is very specific to the potential problems that a ...
mindless.panda's user avatar
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Removal of html tag because HTML questions are off-topic

I recently had a html question put on hold here and I think I speak for a lot of people when I say although the questions are seen to be put on hold, the fact that there is a tag for html suggests to ...
ThunderToes's user avatar
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Color valid tags differently from invalid tags

I have an interesting idea for how tags work. No, it is not the new and improved tag, or a total tag makeover. In fact, it is a small change in how tags work that I think could help out a lot of ...
Blue Ice's user avatar
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Adding 'language-highlighting' tag to a question, necessary?

Consider this question. I provided an answer with a bash script. I did remember to add embedded Prettify language hints. The highlighting didn't get turned on. Then I found this post on Meta SE ...
pepoluan's user avatar
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Add google-cloud-platform, google-compute-engine tags

Can someone please add the following tags to Super User: google-cloud-platform google-compute-engine I noticed several questions with these tags on Stack Overflow are being closed or put on hold ...
Misha Brukman's user avatar
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How is this question about resolution off-topic?

I have asked a question about Upschaling and Pixel Replication I have frequently heard that it is better to have a display resolution with the resolution of the content you want to display on the ...
George Ntoulos's user avatar
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Is the "microsoft" tag of any use? [duplicate]

I have found a tag named microsoft which was created August 26 with 10 questions. Does the tag have any use, or should it be removed?
Wasif's user avatar
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How do we handle Windows 10 (Threshold 2) Questions?

So the release of Windows 10 on July 29th 2015 was known as Threshold 1. The current release is the Threshold 2 build. It was released on November 12th 2015. Threshold 2 bring several specific ...
Ramhound's user avatar
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Tag order on the user profile page

As a feature, can the tags be ordered first by score, then alphabetically? As it is, it is hard to find a particular tag. It would also be nice to be able to just sort alphabetically.
soandos's user avatar
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Could you create the "miller" tag

Miller is a great cli tool to work with structured text data file. The tag description could be: Miller is an open source command line utility: it is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-...
aborruso's user avatar
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Microsoft-Forms tag needed

While researching a problem, I was looking for a tag for Microsoft Forms, I didn't find one; there is a [forms] generic tag, with 778 topics. If I search without any tag term, for https://superuser....
Mark Stewart's user avatar
-2 votes
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Would the [desktop-shortcut] be the same as the [file-shortcut]? [closed]

Would the [desktop-shortcut] be the same as the [file-shortcut]?
user avatar
-3 votes
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InCopy tag creation request

My Super User question here involves Adobe InCopy. I would like to request the creation of a tag about Adobe InCopy. Could we please create such a tag? Thanks!
Tech Expert Wizard's user avatar
-3 votes
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Difference between tags virus, malware, trojan, infection,worm

From most used to least used (including related tags): virus x 501 anti-virus x 453 virus-removal x 56 malware x 256 malware-removal x 37 malware-detection x 13 anti-malware x 11 trojan x 70 ...
tempy's user avatar
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Tags Taking out the trash Or Creating a bigger mess?

There are hundreds of tags that do not even need discussion, and never should have been created. They are at the Far end of the tags, and they are not magically dissapearing. And many of them do not ...
Psycogeek's user avatar
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How to know correct or suitable tags to my question?

It will be good always to see quick response in the form of answers and comments from the community. But how to know correct or suitable tags to my question for quick and suitable people attraction to ...
user113701's user avatar
-4 votes
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Please add a tag for elliptic curves [closed]

Here. My carma doesn't allow to do this.
Smit Johnth's user avatar
-4 votes
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Add tag for drive-file-stream and for google-backup-and-sync

As the old Google Drive application is being depreciated on all platforms, I vote that we need new tags for its successors Drive File Stream and Google Backup and Sync in order to distinguish between ...
Next-Door Tech's user avatar

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