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Add the URL to a site recommendation question from Meta SE about Wordpress to [wordpress] tag excerpt

Tl;Dr: Is it OK to add the url to Where should I ask WordPress questions? (Question from Meta SE) to the wordpress tag excerpt? The reason is that while some questions about Worpress might be on topic ...
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Are these Fail2Ban, Munin and “Failed password” related questions more appropriate for Server Fault?

While I spend a good chunk of time here on Super User, my day-to-day/work-a-day head is in the Linux server administration world. A lot of times there’s overlap between “power user” needs and server ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 56.8k
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Edit tags on migrated question

This question has been migrated to Stack Overflow (you'll probably have to search on [macro] to see the stub), and now because of the bad decision to link it directly to that question on SO, it can't ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar