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Questions tagged [unanswered-questions]

Unanswered questions are those questions which have no up-voted or accepted answers.

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59 votes
2 answers

Over 54,000 questions with no answers!

We have over 54,000 questions with no answers, this feels somewhat like a concern to me. Some other ideas than just answering include: Give bounties to the highest voted questions, helping them get ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

Unanswered questions that are answered without upvotes or accepted answers

The Unanswered tab at the top shows that there are more than 8,000 unanswered questions, it also seems to increase every day. I think it's a bad behavior that this keeps increasing... Don't ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Is it important to mark a question as answered?

I asked Can Windows CE 6 auto-run an application on an inserted USB stick? that never got any responses, but while waiting I ran some additional tests that strongly suggest the answer to my question ...
Betty Crokker's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Old unanswered inactive questions with low views/votes

@IvoFlipse was looking for a query to find old unanswered inactive questions with low views/votes. Because those kind of questions clutter the site and keep the unanswered question ratio high, it is a ...
14 votes
5 answers

Is Super User always this slow to respond or am I doing it wrong? Can I do anything to fix it?

Early this year, I asked about a Windows 7 upgrade from Vista which made my computer unbootable, on an older account (which I can't find any longer). I followed it for a few months; it got ~50+ views ...
An Ant's user avatar
  • 77
10 votes
1 answer

Is it ok to ask a question again, over one year after it was left unanswered?

I've asked quite a number of question here on superuser, and a few of them never got answered. That's perfectly understandable (I'm still amazed at the number of questions that do get answered), but ...
Malabarba's user avatar
  • 8,838
8 votes
3 answers

Difficulty trying to answer old unanswered questions

This site encourages users to try to answer old unanswered questions. I've made several attempts to wade into the 35K+ unanswered questions, but it is like finding a needle in a haystack. From a ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.6k
7 votes
1 answer

Is SuperUser Not the Right Place for Visio Questions?

I noticed in checking SuperUser that lots of Visio questions were popular and had multiple answers between 2009 and 2011. However, a quick scan shows that Visio questions asked after 2014 have rarely ...
Eric Hepperle - CodeSlayer2010's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What happens to bounty if there are no answers to the question once the bounty expires?

I have some bounty assigned to a question on a different SE site. This question has been open for 11 days now, and the bounty expires in 3 days. Currently there are no answers, so what would happen to ...
Kirk's user avatar
  • 2,432
5 votes
2 answers

Questioned marked as a duplicate (5 times) and original is answered but duplicate is not tagged as "answered"

Looking at this question align column with text and numbers it is marked marked as a duplicate. The original question has been answered. My thought is the derivative question could re-display the ...
Tim Joy T-Square Consulting's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is this refusal to accept an answer aligned with community standards?

I added an answer to the following question, thinking I fulfilled what the OP expected: Is there an equivalent of a downloads list for attachments saved from MS Outlook? The OP says the answer is not ...
miroxlav's user avatar
  • 13.8k
3 votes
1 answer

What happens if a user does not mark the question as solved?

I've seen some questions lately on superuser, which get many answers, but the user who did the question does not mark the question as solved. When I say solved I mean when the user accepts an answer ...
Erlis D.'s user avatar
  • 818
3 votes
1 answer

I need advice on where to move some questions of mine

There are some questions of mine that have received few attention and I'm considering to migrate them to another site (if it's possible to do so), where maybe they are more pertaining and more on-...
Sekhemty's user avatar
  • 9,586
3 votes
1 answer

Did I ask about Adobe Acrobat here in error?

I am wondering if anyone can help me (perhaps by migration?) find an answer to the question I posed a little over a week ago? It involves changing an Adobe Acrobat pre-packaged template for PDF ...
mfg's user avatar
  • 627
2 votes
1 answer

Tags like 'Windows' should be more general in its filtering

There are a few windows tags which includes windows windows-xp windows-vista windows-7 etc Now, I don't use Linux / Mac / Unix etc, I'm 100% Windows. So when I select the windows tag (under ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 25.4k
2 votes
1 answer

New OPs answering their own questions

Edit: Nevermind. This was a newbie question based on misunderstanding how the site works. Skip to the last edit at the bottom for clarification. Much of the time, new OPs leave a question, get a ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.6k
2 votes
1 answer

When using filter the question are not ordered correctly

I just answered a question asked in 2013. I used a filter to filter out a certain tag and then the unanswered questions. So I took the first in the list thinking it is a recent question. Why not sort ...
davejal's user avatar
  • 543
2 votes
1 answer

What can we do about questions remaining for days on the Unanswered tab?

It would be nice to process the Unanswered Tab on a daily basis... However, it feels like I am the only one passing by there, which is why there is barely any progress there. What can we do such ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What more can I do to my question to get help?

I have a question about my Super User post: Windows 10 Jumplist pinned server items lag? I'm quite disappointed that I have had very little response to this question. This is an issue which I am ...
I-J's user avatar
  • 105
1 vote
2 answers

Using the unanswered button

It seems odd, but that button (the one next to the badges button) does not really return a list of unanswered questions. While on the default subview, that is in fact the case, when I switch to the ...
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
1 vote
1 answer

Over 110,000 questions unananswered as of 2017. Is this a matter of concern? [duplicate]

SuperUser currently has 110,000 unanswered questions. This means the number of unanswered Qs has doubled over 5 years. Should something be done about this issue? If so, what?
JonathanReez's user avatar