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How did I exceed the reputation cap today from only upvotes?

Today, I received +201 reputation from only upvotes, exceeding the daily reputation limit of +200. This shouldn't be possible according to Help Center » Reputation & Moderation » What is ...
Deltik's user avatar
  • 19.8k
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Why don't up-votes on comments give reputation?

I've recently seen a few up-votes on my comments on some answers/posts/questions. However, I've noticed that I never received any reputation from them. Why is it that we don't receive reputation from ...
Bilfred's user avatar
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Should question owners be able to down vote on answers?

I have had a few questions with not so good answers. Could it be possible that question askers can down vote (or up vote) on answers to their questions, without rep requirements? Also, about up ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Something not right in the voting system

I asked this question. I pressed submit, and immediately my question was upvoted, faster than the speed of light, if you are a moderator, I don't if you can check it, but the first vote took less ...
Lynob's user avatar
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What should you do when you're not receiving any reputation for your answers?

I have posted several answers on Super User where my answers are the only ones posted for the questions, and they have never been accepted, nor have they been voted on. What should I do to ensure that ...
Drew Chapin's user avatar
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upvoting and reputation

I was under the impression that upvotes on an answer would yield reputation; However, I have noticed that I have received two upvotes on an answer, but I did not receive reputation. Also, I noticed ...
Itchy Nekotorych's user avatar