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Are upvotes retroactive?

I occasionally hit the upvote button on a helpful answer in a community where I don't have upvote privileges. I get the message pop up that says my upvote has been recorded, but will not be displayed ...
user120675's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Something not right in the voting system

I asked this question. I pressed submit, and immediately my question was upvoted, faster than the speed of light, if you are a moderator, I don't if you can check it, but the first vote took less ...
Lynob's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to express extra appreciation for answer

I asked a question yesterday and the person who answered the questions went to great lengths to help me out. Is there any way that I could express appreciation for this besides just an upvote and the ...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 185
0 votes
1 answer

upvoting and reputation

I was under the impression that upvotes on an answer would yield reputation; However, I have noticed that I have received two upvotes on an answer, but I did not receive reputation. Also, I noticed ...
Itchy Nekotorych's user avatar