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Are risqué avatars allowed? Failure of the Gravatar rating system?

I stumbled upon this user who had this ¿pornographic? gravatar {link edited out}. (Note that the Gravatar rating system seems to have failed in this case.) While I, personally, think that such ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
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5 votes
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Question migrated but Stack Overflow user has no Super User profile

I just found this stackoverflow question migrated to superuser: How to switch to user perspective in Blender It's OK so far but I see one little problem: The user has created an account at ...
Kay's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Reputation needed to get SU in network profile

How much reputation is needed in Superuser to get it on the reputation chart in network profile? I had like 60 points before the linking bonus, and the reputation from stackoverflow starts from 11 in ...
Bakudan's user avatar
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3 votes
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Synchronization of Profiles Between Stack Exchange Webistes

Is there a way that I can easily synchronize my profiles between the Stack Exchange websites? It would be even better if I could just use the same profile across their websites.
Jim Fell's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a way to change the way items are displayed in my profile on SuperUser?

Is there a way to change the way items are displayed in my profile on SuperUser? I would like to display my questions and answers in the order of newest to oldest, but I can find no way to set this.
Xavierjazz's user avatar
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