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I flagged an answer as spam, where the user profile contained spam. Why was my flag declined?

My "spam" flag on was declined. Did the moderator not see the username and the profile of the spambot? "Declined - a moderator reviewed your flag,...
user avatar
4 votes
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How can I find and list the questions that I've previously asked on superuser?

I've at least found the users link where I can enter my member name and see some summary statistics about my account, but I have not yet found a way to find and list all of the questions that I've ...
fireblood's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Super User not using my SE network profile

Normally when I sign up on a different SE site it uses my existing SE profile... however that doesn't seem to the be case here. Is there any way I can set it to my network profile without having to ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to find out how many comments and questions you have sent

Just out of interest I would like to find out how many comments and questions I have sent over my time on "Super User". I would like to know this because of some results to do with badges.
Racing121's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Why does the Stack Exchange user profile say that this user has a different number of answers from what it says on this site's user profile?

I'm looking at the user profile page of this user ( and it says that that user hasn't posted any answers. However, when I look at the same user's profile on Stack ...
gparyani's user avatar
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2 votes
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How is the number of profile view counted.

I would like to know how the number(count) of profile view is counted. 1. Is it contain my session when I click my picture in the top bar of this site? 2. Is it contain my session when I click my ...
Juza's user avatar
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Is there a way who viewed my profile

Could you tell me there is a way who viewed my profile? I just want to know if there is no function available, could you consider to implement it?
Juza's user avatar
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Question not appearing in my profile

Last night I wanted to check a question I posted to see if it got any answers or comments (yes, I'm aware of the "inbox" function; I just wanted to make sure) but I couldn't find the question. I tried ...
Sparkette's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How can I change my username? I want to change it from user and numbers

Currently my username (display name) is the word "user", followed by a series of numbers. How can I change it to the name of my choosing?
techgenius101's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I view my comment history?

When providing a comment on a question or answer, I usually like to check back to see if there's anything else I can follow-up with (be it someone else's answer/comment or an edit to the main question)...
Kruug's user avatar
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1 vote
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How can I edit my meta Superuser profile on the meta.superuser website?

The link "click here to edit" on my meta Superuser profile seems not to work at all. The same link on my main Superuser account opens the profile edit screen. If the link click here to edit on the ...
mallin's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How Superuser Users profiles are being sorted?

In which basis user profiles are displayed(in Users tab)? For sure they are not random. And there is a number(may indicate some score) under user's name. What is that?
arulappan's user avatar
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Super User is not displaying my correct reputation?

My stats as seen on stackoverflow Super User 98 rep 5 Stack Overflow 90 rep 10 Programmers 1 rep 2 stats as seen on SuperUser Super User 98 rep 5 Stack Overflow 80 rep 10 ...
Ravi Patel's user avatar
12 votes
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Are risqué avatars allowed? Failure of the Gravatar rating system?

I stumbled upon this user who had this ¿pornographic? gravatar {link edited out}. (Note that the Gravatar rating system seems to have failed in this case.) While I, personally, think that such ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Why are my answers appearing on lifehacker?

I had a guy email me about an answer from lifehacker... I thought... Hmmm maybe I did posted there once... Then I looked and I had realized I had posted this on SE.. I looked at the registered user ...
Piotr Kula's user avatar
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3 votes
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Dark hacking? My account name got changed from "Randolf Richardson" to "Complicated see bio"

My account name is "Randolf Richardson" but somehow my account name was changed to "Complicated see bio." The description was also changed (it used to begin with "I am a spam-fighter ... I'm also ...
Randolf Richardson's user avatar
5 votes
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Why votes on question don't change the tag vote count in the User Profile?

When you ask or answer a question the tags of such question appear in your profile, as people vote your answers the tag score on your profile increases/decreases. Why doesn't it do the same for when ...
PedroC88's user avatar
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5 votes
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Incorrect user display of questions on user profile?

I asked a question yesterday here and there were two answerers to it, of which one was deleted (I guess by the author). The question does currently display like this on my profile page: As you can ...
Tex Hex's user avatar
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Can I add an SE OpenID to my existing profile?

Due to some complications signing in this morning with my Google account, I would like to register for a Stack Exchange OpenID account and add it to my profile. Is this possible? If so, how?
MBraedley's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why can I not change my email address in my profile?

I have recently decided to change the email address that my Gravatar is associated with. In the end, I had to create a new Gravatar account with the different email address. After doing this, I ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Changing Avatar trouble

When I try to change my avatar by clicking "Change Picture" under my profile, I am taken to But I have an myOpenId account with an option to change my profile picture. Which one ...
Adam's user avatar
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