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11 votes
2 answers

A weird Web 1.0 nazi site wants help. How to handle? wants help with his nazi site national-naturalism [dot] org
user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Why do certain commenters take a rude tone with new users?

I saw this question: Video Player code (JavaScript, HTML5 etc), and I thought it might be good to give the person a way to solve the problem, even though it isn't on topic for this website. I've ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What happens if a user does not mark the question as solved?

I've seen some questions lately on superuser, which get many answers, but the user who did the question does not mark the question as solved. When I say solved I mean when the user accepts an answer ...
Erlis D.'s user avatar
  • 818
0 votes
1 answer

How to search a user?

I need to have a look at the question of a user, who posted it some weeks ago. I didn't actually remember the question. But I know the user's name. So the only way to find that question is to find ...
TomJ's user avatar
  • 733
0 votes
1 answer

How Superuser Users profiles are being sorted?

In which basis user profiles are displayed(in Users tab)? For sure they are not random. And there is a number(may indicate some score) under user's name. What is that?
arulappan's user avatar
  • 993
12 votes
1 answer

Are risqué avatars allowed? Failure of the Gravatar rating system?

I stumbled upon this user who had this ¿pornographic? gravatar {link edited out}. (Note that the Gravatar rating system seems to have failed in this case.) While I, personally, think that such ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
  • 2,180
8 votes
1 answer

Offensive user names

What to do with offensive user names? Offensive posts can be flagged. I don't see any way to flag offensive names. I feel it should be reported somehow, but I don't know where. In my opinion user ...
Marco's user avatar
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-8 votes
2 answers

How do I block a user from superuser?

Is there a way to block a user I do not want reading my questions?
designerr000's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

How do you ignore a certain user on Super User?

So, I want to ignore questions for certain users from my Questions/Unanswered feed. How do I do that? The main reason for this kind of feature is that not everything that annoys me is against the ...
Zds's user avatar
  • 2,449
5 votes
2 answers

Stats for registered and active users?

Today, seeing the "89,480 questions" I just wondered myself why "# Registered users" or "# Active users" (Active means here as the users that logged this month for example) does not appear on Super ...
Diogo's user avatar
  • 30.7k
-1 votes
2 answers

Sudden Loss of Reputation [closed]

A minute ago I reached 1,512 in 5 minutes from 1,474. Now i am back to 1,474 in just 5 minutes. How is this possible . Please any moderator tell me where I lost my rep. What is happening. Ed: I ...
subanki's user avatar
  • 7,714
4 votes
2 answers

/reputation for other users

I know about the feature, but is there a native version of this feature I can use to do the same check on other users?
Pylsa's user avatar
  • 31.3k
4 votes
3 answers

Is this user a SpamBot?

Is this user a Spambot? ~10 questions in a span of about 5 minutes o_0
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
  • 62.1k