This is a bit related to [this topic]( on MSO. In a [recently suggested and approved edit]( a tag was added to the topic, but it only became applicable through the answer. The user didn't know the tag was relevant, but it turned out the tagged software was the cause of his troubles. In this case, it was probably an easy decision. It was a troubleshooting question and the tag identifies the culprit. But what about "How do I do X" questions, and tags for the suggested technology solving the problem? In both cases, the tags only apply because of the answer(s) given. In general, does it make sense to add them, and, if yes, what to add and under which circumstances? --- As an *example*, it might make sense [to]( [retag]( [questions]( [that]( [are]( [answered]( [by]( [using]( Automator with [tag:automator]. We have very few questions about Automator as a tool, but tons of questions about a problem that is *solved* using it. In many cases, it's the only (reasonable) solution.