I agree, really, a lot of questions which use `copy` tag are in low quality. (I just clicked on tag and checked the first page of questions.) But there are some obstacles: - A lot of Excel questions (like [this][1],[this][2],[this][3]...) where `copy` is not related to `file-copy` (yes, you mentioned them as "The worse thing..."). - Issues with `copy` command in command line (like [this][4] and [this][5]), where `file-copy` tag will be more generic and `xcopy` and `robocopy` can not replace it. - And a new software called [Copy][6] cloud storage ([this][7] question). Adding a tag like `copy-app` or `copy-cloud-storage` can somehow solve problem with Copy cloud. But what to do with that Excel questions? Add new tags like `excel-copy` or `copy-in-excel`? Leaving these questions without `copy` is not a good idea, and replacing them with `file-copy` is wrong - a big headache. [1]: http://superuser.com/questions/786069/copy-from-sheet2-to-sheet1-based-on-if-values-match [2]: http://superuser.com/questions/713069/excel-how-can-i-copy-cell-contents-from-multiple-sheets-at-once [3]: http://superuser.com/questions/790003/how-do-you-copy-the-value-from-one-cell-in-one-worksheets-to-two-cells-in-consec [4]: http://superuser.com/questions/766334/batch-copy-gives-errors-xcopy-works-fine [5]: http://superuser.com/questions/770829/copy-a-copy-b-use-of-this-options [6]: http://www.copy.com [7]: http://superuser.com/questions/790613/usage-reported-by-copy-app-is-a-lot-less-than-actual-usage