I just don't get the responses like the comments I see on https://superuser.com/questions/660668/how-to-disable-blue-highlighting-of-text-form-field-when-selected-in-word/660674#660674 First two comments are "Can you provide a screenshot for before and after? I am not familiar" and "What do you mean by text form field ?" Why try to answer a question that one knows nothing about? A huge number of Word users know what a text form field is; why not just pass it by? Am I missing something here? I don't try to answer questions where it's clear that I don't understand the question itself, not because of the question wording but because it's out of my arena. Why would someone so unfamiliar with Word that they don't know what a "form field" is, push the poster to provide a screenshot or explain text form fields, rather than just go past it? I want to say something about it on the comments, but I don't want to be confrontative or act like this newb is trying to tell others what to do. To hopefully clarify a bit, to me this seems like if I posted a question about "How do I calculate a date x days before today in a Powershell script?" and show the code I'm trying to use etc., and the comments are "What's a Powershell script? Can you post a screenshot?" "What do you mean by 'calculate a date'?" etc. If someone chooses, from all these questions, to answer about a certain program ... shouldn't they at least know the basics of that program, or at least have the ability to find those features on their own rather than putting the onus on the asker? In the original case cited, "form fields" have been a feature of word for over a decade, and are also used in other programs like Acrobat. If someone doesn't know what they are, though, why not just google or go by to the next question?