[One user is posting pirated content from the site overclock.net](https://superuser.com/a/366803/11116), here is what [their TOS say](http://www.overclock.net/a/terms-of-service):

> **Posting Content and Assets** By posting content: You have confirmed that
> you have not made this content publicly available before and do not
> wish to publicly repurpose/reuse this content at a later time You
> agree that your submissions to Overclock.net will only be removed if
> deemed necessary by Overclock.net. Due to the nature of Overclock.net,
> we will not delete user accounts or mass delete their posts. We will
> only delete posts that we are informed of and deem do not comply with
> the forum rules/ToS. Please only sign up and use Overclock.net if you
> are comfortable with your contributions staying part of the collective
> conversation on Overclock.net now and in the future.
> Ownership of Content Submissions All legal content, information or any
> other form of member submission, that conforms with the site
> rules/terms of service, immediately becomes exclusive property of
> Overclock.net
> **Advertising/Promotion/Commercial Use** You ARE NOT allowed to use Overclock.net to: [...] Copy content, images or any other Overclock.net assets (in part or in whole)

Clearly, this explicitly prohibits you from reposting any material on any other website. It goes on to mention punishment for this sort of infraction.

> If you do choose to use the site for any of the activities outlined
> within the Advertising/Promotion/Commercial Use section (directly
> above), YOU AGREE to the following: Every instance of breaking one of
> these rules outlined with the Advertising/Promotion/Commercial Use
> section constitutes you entering into an agreement with Overclock.net
> to pay for such initiatives at a cost of $500 per incidence.

I think in this case reperations are due.