Let's look through [How to Ask](https://superuser.com/help/how-to-ask):

* Search, and research? Check, you mentioned in the list of what you've tried that you've been through places like forums looking for solutions. Thank you for trying things first and listing what happened when you did what.
* Be [on-topic](https://superuser.com/help/on-topic)? Check, the question is about "personal and home computer networking," and nothing in the list of off-topic things applies. Besides, there's no close vote on the question, which is what you'd get if someone believed it was off-topic.
* Be specific? Check, you've included the exact devices that are involved.
* Make it relevant to others? I believe this mostly exists for "write me a big script that does this exact thing from this exact input" questions. I believe your question would be useful to other people with this networking device, so check.
* Keep an open mind? This really only applies once you get an answer.

Your question is fine. [Tim Post must have lost his keys again.](https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/215397/295684)

> Sometimes, well, people just do odd things. It's one down vote, don't worry about it - as long as you're sure that your [post] is good, then put it out of mind. The amount of entropy involved in a site of this scale is just too much to even hope for any kind of accuracy in a guess as to why it happened.