TL;DR: You need to make your question an on-topic,  practical, detailed question.


Super User is not a place for any kind of "question". 

There are thousands of ways to use a template to generate multiple files from it, but they depend on several factors. Your question doesn't include enough details for most of the factors, you practically are delegating to others several of the decisions and due to the lack of details there is a risck to require a lot of back a forth which this site is not intented to have.

If you don't have idea about how to use a template to create 100+ files you should read a book, take a course, spend time doing tutorials, searching for related questions before asking a question, well, in this case, before editing again your question.

Once you have a clear idea of how to do what you want to do, if you get stuck, review

If your question is on topic, read carefully Then comeback and edit your question.