Alright. So [this question here][1] made be look at the FAQ, and maybe it's just me, but I can't find anything in there to specifically (or generally) say that hacking questions are not a good fit for SU. I mean, someone asking for instructions on how to hack is asking a question that correctly deals with computer hardware/computer software/home and personal networks... providing they are not asking for instructions on how to hack into a facebook account, or an iPhone, or a corporate network, or an xBox(??), etc. It's a technical fit if they aren't asking where to buy books on hacking... and let's face it, digging up viable information on how to hack goes beyond basic search requirements. All that said... **SHOULD** questions regarding the request for instructions on how to hack into computers on a personal network be answered? Is it right? Yeah, maybe there are viable reasons... and maybe there aren't. People can and do lie... and honestly, someone who is looking for instructions on how to hack another computer on their network is **PROBABLY** lying about some if not most of the details involved. What is the SU stance on hacking, and questions regarding it... and why isn't it spelled out in the FAQ? Or would people just lump these kinds of questions under the "Book Answer" clause? [1]: