I generally don't take a strong interest in the process behind what occurs between when I suggest an edit and the edit becoming formalized. I was a bit bored today, and so I watched a little more intently the process as it occurred. ![jackass][1] After the edit was accepted, something kinda struck me. I'm not trying to call out the specific person in question, but I'm wondering if there's some lesser issue that hasn't yet been addressed. I don't think that some of edit checkers were unreasonable about their checks. Even an edit that introduces minor errors is easily fixed. Could the more critical checker, which has a more than 50% refusal rate, not have accepted the edit and either chosen to do nothing more or fixed it furthermore? I don't want to call out the individual in question for purposes of sanction. On request, I will supply details about the specific instance. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/1AlMa.png