Oh hey there. Looks like that's [my question][1] you've linked there. :P

[Michael Frank's answer][2] is entirely correct. As per the premise of my question, the  emoji renders incorrectly in both the title and body of the question. The Apple logo ![apple symbol][3] there is actually an image uploaded to imgur to demonstrate what the emoji is *supposed* to look like.

In other words, I think we can safely count this as [meta-tag:status-bydesign].

  [1]: https://superuser.com/questions/1205451/how-can-i-display-the-emoji-on-windows
  [2]: https://meta.superuser.com/questions/12393/emojis-dont-render-in-question-titles-but-do-render-within-questions/12394#12394
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/Y5Eb6.png