If you think a question would be more appropriate on another Stack Exchange site, and you've read the other site's help center to ensure it's on-topic, you can flag your post for moderator attention and select the "other" reason, then ask for it to be migrated. Note that posts older than 60 days cannot be migrated, even by moderators.

Edit: It appears that you did flag previously. The moderator who responded to your flag left the following response to the flag:

>  it's your choice, the question is on topic here, but if you don't get an answer, you can delete and re-ask or we can migrate it

To view responses to your flags, you can go to your user profile, and click the number next to "helpful flags". Yours is [here][1].

Since you appear to still want this migrated, I'll do the migration for you.

  [1]: https://superuser.com/users/flag-summary/48154