I'm new to superuser, but experienced with SO. My first question here, asking simply if there's work being done on Docker towards making a native version for macs, and if so, whether there's an ETA on it at all, was considered "inviting to opinion-based answers". I disagreed and kept the question as is, and the result? [Question closed](https://superuser.com/questions/949396/how-close-is-docker-to-running-on-osx-without-a-vm?noredirect=1#comment1311969_949396) Was anybody rude? No. But picky, and coming across as intolerant of dissent, yes. In the name of keeping the forum "clean". Doesn't the ranking system and popular questions/answers system take care of keeping noise less visible? The argument that specialists get progressively grated by stupid questions by non-specialists is a bad one. If you were on the job working in the help-desk, that'd make some sense, though even on the job, to be considered a job well done, one needs to be accepting of ignorance and civil. This reminds me of a certain old-school forum culture, specially in the sysadmin space, which is like that. IMO StackExchange is great because it actively tries to move away from that, in my experience. At least with SO and a few other, smaller, communities I've browsed.