Your answers triggered the low quality answer mechanism. Super User and the whole Stack Exchange network expects **high quality** answers. Both answers were either one liners not providing any real detail, or alternatively they were discussions, and not actual answers to the question. There is a comment system in place for users with more then 50 reputation to ask further information, and the idea is that you spend enough time on the site to the earn the right to comment on other questions.

For the record, in your case, one of the answers where deleted by you, and not the system. Whenever the system deletes and answer, it will always state who deleted it, either the community user, or a moderator.

For more information on what is expected in answers please read the [Answer Advice]( page. All content can be reviewed by the community at the [Review]( page, and it is most probably where most of the flags come from. Also Jon Skeet released a good article on answering technical questions [here](

The answer advice page is also triggered by low quality answers at times, if the user decides to skip the page and still post their answer, the Super User community reserves the right to remove those answers.