According to [this][1] Meta thread, this would appear to be an issue with Google Code Prettify, however syntax highlighting for both Powershell and Batch works if it's specified manually: - **Doesn't Work:** - ``` ```bat ``` - ``` ```powershell ``` <br> - **Works:** - `<!-- language-all: lang-bat -->` <br> `<!-- language: lang-bat -->` - `<!-- language-all: lang-powershell -->` <br> `<!-- language: lang-powershell --> ` <br><br> Is the latter implemented by Superuser locally and not via Google Code Prettify, else why the disparity? - I'm not familiar with how StackExchange sites individually function, but wouldn't it be a lot simpler if shell languages were supported the same across all sites that apply to code? <br><br>For example, syntax highlighting for both Powershell and Batch are auto-applied on StackOverflow. [1]: