I asked about [how to stop a McAfee antivirus service][1] (where I am an administrator of the computer) in the Super User community. Why was my question deleted as *"off topic: not related to hardware/software"*, even though McAfee is definitely software? I also got accused as being responsible for spreading ransomware by superuser community members. Another member gave me the great answer of "Talk to your network administrator". Is that what we expect from Super User? That all answers should be *"Talk to your network administrator"*? How do I know those moderators don't work for Intel (McAfee) and just don't want knowledge about there software to be out there? How do we manage such situations as a community of many sys-admins and not just a centrally managed censored community with too much power at the top? --- Screenshot of the question: [![screenshot of deleted question][2]][2] [1]: https://superuser.com/questions/1595500/how-to-stop-an-enterprise-mcafee-mcshiled-exe-process-on-my-pc [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/Kyyhd.png