[This answer][1] links to a zip containing drivers for Windows running in Bootcamp. I think the answer is pretty self-explanatory, but somehow I don't feel right to just leave them at is. I don't know what to comment either, as it is self-explanatory?

I've read [this question][2] and [this][3]. Downvoting might be the answer, but I believe this is *correct* answer and should not be downvoted anyway.

  [1]: https://superuser.com/a/1217783/456385
  [2]: https://meta.superuser.com/questions/7415/how-should-i-flag-link-only-answers-in-the-first-post-queue
  [3]: https://meta.superuser.com/questions/9272/are-certain-kinds-of-link-only-answers-acceptable