Somebody copied the question [How to remove watermark from pdf using pdftk?]( and reposted it on Stack Overflow ([link]( I think that this was **not** a traditional crosspost, as the posters of both questions have accounts on both sites and the copied version lacks the link the original has. Problems: * The SO question already has an accepted answer, while the SU question is still unanswered. * I'd also say that the question isn't really a good fit on SO. * If crossposting a question on several sites (by the same user) isn't allowed, this case should't be treated any different. So, what to do now? Options: 1. Leave everything as it is. Meh. I dislike leaving questions unanswered if there's something that can be done about it. 1. Answer the question using the existing answer on the SO question. Normally, I don't have a problem doing that (with proper attribution, of course). But since it's character by character the exact same question, it feels like rep whoring. 1. Request migration on SO and close the copied question as duplicate. That still leaves the question unanswered. 1. Request migration on SO and close the *original* question as duplicate. That seems unfair to the poster of the original question. 1. Request migration on SO and merge the copy into the original question. If I understand correctly how merging works, this should result in having the working answer on the original question. My personal favorite is option 5. Thoughts?