You should use "very low quality" for posts that *are* very low quality. The post you flagged **was not** very low quality.

If a post is "off topic", you should, according to [How should my flagging change when I gain the ability to vote to close?][1]:

- **If you're below 3k:**

 Flag as off topic with the appropriate site selected, or a custom message.

- **If you're above 3k:** 

 - Vote to close as off topic if there is a site you can select (e.g. *Web Applications*).
 - Vote to close as off topic *and* flag, if there's no site you can select (e.g. *Wordpress*).


And, to emphasize again:

## Do not flag for moderator attention when you already have the power to close and migrate questions.

This was made clear in [this Meta.SU post][2].
