While we welcome all edits, you should try to edit a question in a more comprehensive manner. 

For instance, the question above, you could've edited the title to a more meaningful one. 

Here's a cursory glance of what you should look at while editing any post:

 - Does the title make sense? Will someone find the question if the person's searching for the same answer?
 - Can the post body be corrected? Are all words capitalized correctly? Does the sentence comprehensible and make sense? 
 - Is there something that's left out of body? For example, are there any extra info that can be moved from comments to the main post?
 - Is it tagged correctly? Are there any [meta tags](http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/08/the-death-of-meta-tags/)? If so get rid of them. Add some meaningful tags.

In the rare occasion that you *absolutely* do not have anything to add - I'd suggest you drop by our [chat room](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/118/root-access) and ask for assistance.. most users in chat are likely to have edit privileges.