As pointed out in comments, this type of question is not on topic for Super User, or any other SE site. Simply put, we are not the ones at Microsoft (or Apple, or Linux Torvalds, etc) that makes the actual decisions.

As for getting help, if you specify the **problem** you are having, we can offer **possible solutions** to help out. You could try re-wording it as a question, such as 

> How can I get the *My Computer* icon back on my desktop? I noticed it is not there in newer versions of Windows.

This gives us a clear problem that you need solved, instead of asking why a decision was made. You could make it a **much** better question by also explaining what you tried to fix it yourself already, and why it didn't work.

> I tried to make a new folder called *My Computer*, but it just acted
> like a folder, not like the actual *My Computer* shell folder! What
> can I try next?

Obviously, that's an extreme, but good questions here ask for a solution to a problem, and the community respects (and tends to upvote) the questions that show research effort, and trying things, on the user's side.