[After the example of the Math.SE site][1] I have some questions that I would love to see each nominee respond to in their nomination (if they choose to do so):

- Is there anything you would want to change on the site? And how would you plan on achieving this?

- How do you expect becoming a moderator will change or influence the way you use Super User?

- What's your stance on duplicates and how should they be handled?

- What's your opinion about the overlap between Super User and Apple.SE/Ubuntu.SE? And when should questions be migrated from Super User to any of these other SE-sites?

- Which three nominees do you think are the most suited to become the next moderators and why?

  [1]: http://meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/1254/list-of-questions-for-candidates-in-2010-moderator-election