We currently have only 5 migration targets available, 4 if you discount the standard migration to meta. In order to allow migration another target one of the others has to be deactivated. I'm reluctant to enable migrations to Software Recommendations purely for the reason that a large majority of migrations will inevitably not meet their [quality guidelines][1]. Conversely if we can compare the number of good quality software recommendations that could have been migrated and there is a significant number that surpasses the top four in our [migration stats][2] then there is no reason to *not* have them as a migration target. Our stats on outbound migrations for the last 90 days: - to webapps.stackexchange.com × 91 (15% rejected) - to android.stackexchange.com × 56 (5% rejected) - to stackoverflow.com × 51 (13% rejected) - to serverfault.com × 23 (13% rejected) - to meta.- to × 10 (20% rejected) - to apple.stackexchange.com × 7 (14% rejected) - to softwarerecs.stackexchange.com × 5 (0% rejected) - to other sites x 16 Generally outside the top 5 the migrations will be moderators responding to user flags to migrate questions, potentially requested by the user. So, of 28 "unusual" migrations (outside of the current targets) only 5 were to Software Recommendations. Currently though, I cannot think of any easy search terms that will [distinguish][3] [software][4] [recommendation][5] questions from our preferred questions. For the time being it might actually be worth asking this on [Software Recommendations meta][6] and finding out if they actually **want** to be a migration target or if they feel that they might just get all of our garbage. As it currently stands when people here push users to SR they often post a link to the quality guidelines, which might be helping them somewhat. [1]: http://meta.softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/336/what-is-required-for-a-question-to-contain-enough-information [2]: http://superuser.com/tools/posts/migrated/stats [3]: http://superuser.com/search?tab=newest&q=recommendation%20is%3Aq [4]: http://superuser.com/search?tab=newest&q=recommend%20is%3Aq [5]: http://superuser.com/search?tab=newest&q=%22any%20software%22%20is%3Aq [6]: http://meta.softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/