I am trying to find out the pronunciation of a computer term, but since it is (mostly) a poll-type question, I figured I would ask for advice first in order to avoid getting raped by the seemingly ever-increasing aggressive people on the SE sites. `:-|` What I wanted to do was to simulate a poll by posting the question (I’m not sure whether it is more appropriate here or on the English site), about how the computer term should be pronounced and give a bit of explanation about the two main pronunciations—both have their merits. (I considered clicking *community wiki* as well, but that is no longer available by default.) Then I was going to post both of the pronunciations as answers so that people can vote for the pronunciation they use. I also considered posting the two main pronunciations as comments to the main question, particularly since it prevents people from down-voting the one they don’t use; posting them as answers relies on the honesty of users. The assumption is that after a decent number of votes, a relatively clear picture of what the more popular (and thus de facto “correct”) pronunciation is, while still allowing for the possibility of someone giving an answer/link about a possible de jure answer. (In one of the discussions about polls on Meta, someone suggested that polls belong on `pollmnkey.com`—which for the record is blocked by the anti-ad section of my HOSTS file. If that is considered correct, then wouldn’t posting the question there and then posting a link to that poll on a StackExchange site not be extraneous and redundant? Worse, wouldn’t that make it difficult to form a valid SE question since there is no actual answer? Besides, who wants to register *yet another* account on *yet another* site, especially one that would be used infrequently?) <br /> So now I’ve got two questions (in addition to the original question, um…, in question): 1. Would such a question be more appropriate for `SuperUser` or `English`? 2. Would I/my rep get killed for asking it and/or the question get shut down, leaving me scratching my head with a still-unanswered question? 3. Should I use a third-party site instead, and if so, how do I get people to vote on it?