> Is there a setting to send me an email when someone comments on an "Answer" I posted? I poked around in my profile settings, and didn't find anything. The email settings have just been changed (see [Control the types of email you receive via our new Email Settings feature][1], but I believe the setting you are looking for is: Inbox Answers to your questions, comments, chat notifications, and more You can select `Weekly`, `Daily`, `3 hrs`, or `Off` --- > I found a thread about removing the US Keyboard Layout from Windows 10. I couldn't comment because I have an awful reputation, so I answered instead. Please don't do that. **Answers that are not answers will be deleted.** You can always comment on your own posts, and once you have sufficient [reputation](https://superuser.com/help/whats-reputation) you will be able to [comment on any post](https://superuser.com/help/privileges/comment). Please read [Why do I need 50 reputation to comment? What can I do instead?](https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/214174) As for the question/answer you are referring to, your (now deleted) answer looks more like a new question. Please [ask your own question](https://superuser.com/questions/ask) (referencing the other one for context if it helps). [1]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/298906/control-the-types-of-email-you-receive-via-our-new-email-settings-feature