I hope this isn't just another "why" question, but if it is I want to learn from it. I posted the first answer to [this question][1], at which time it was: > ![enter image description here][2] Hence my answer: > ![enter image description here][3] Then I went offline for eight hours (you know, to sleep :]). Now, I see since posting my answer, the OP materially edited the question, indicating what he *meant* to ask was: > ...how I can find the wireless MAC address (aka BSSID) of any wireless access point with aircrack-ng... Fair enough; he didn't ask what he wanted to on his first attempt. **But why was my answer judged against the edited version of the question?** Shouldn't it instead have been downvoted, giving me the opportunity to revise it if I wished (or perhaps earn the [Peer Pressure][4] badge)? [1]: https://superuser.com/questions/852599/how-to-find-the-wireless-mac-address-aka-bssid-of-any-wireless-access-point [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/kNRSE.png [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/Xl1nX.png [4]: https://superuser.com/help/badges/36/peer-pressure