My account had editing privileges suspended for 7 days for rejected edits. I hit 2,000 reputation and I gain the privileged to edit questions and answers without another user's review AND the *suspension is no longer active*. 

I assume this is [meta-tag:status-bydesign], but my question is, **should it be by design?**. If a user did something to have privileges revoked, does the accumulation of reputation points negate the undesired action that was previously performed? Does this happen with other privileges as other rep levels?

To test something, I also went and decreased my reputation back **below 2,000** and the restrictions that I previously had **were still in place** which leads me to believe that the restriction flag is unaffected by reputation, so why should the privilege's flag be affected by rep?

As the tag suggests, I just want to start a discussion about this because I can't find documentation that explains the rationale, whether it be correct **or** incorrect