In general, question regarding **software recommendation** are very often considered off-topic. 

If you want to know more about this ongoing issue, I would advise you to look into the numerous questions we already have discussing that topic. Such as:


And, last but certainly not least:


While you're giving a very extensive list of requirements, the question seems to boil down to "Here is my list of things I want, now go get it". That's usually not the type of software recommendation question we want or like. We prefer questions that deal with specific *problems*.

Now you're gonna tell me "*But I **do** have a specific problem! My problem is that I need that software!*"

However, it would be nice if the question is about a problem you encountered **while already trying to solve your issue** instead of looking for a specific piece of software that could provide the solution for your overall issue.

If you're thinking "*Hey, I'm just looking for a tool to get my communications in order. This is getting overly complicated.*", you can always drop by our little chat in [Root Access]( and discuss your issue over there where you're not bound to these on-topic/off-topic rules.