On [a question on SU][1], I noticed I lost 80 rep because a good question was deleted. Why do the good answerers suffer if a question gets deleted? Is the information not pertinent? 

I think it is, and so did others. The leading answer when I last checked had about 12 up votes, so it wasn't a small question.

> ### How do I find out which version of Windows 7 I need for my gaming machine?

> I'm building my first computer and I have all the parts I need. The tower is pretty good as it will be costing about $1000.

> All I need to know is what exactly is going to fit my needs fine as far as an operating system is concerned. If I can, I want to just get Windows 7 Home Premium and that would be fine. The type of gaming I plan on doing involves Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 (whenever that comes out…).

> Is there anything I should take into account when choosing my operating system version?

  [1]: http://superuser.com/questions/398157/how-do-i-find-out-which-version-of-windows-7-i-need-for-my-gaming-machine