I flagged [this post](https://superuser.com/a/1296276/518051) for obvious spam link inserted in the end when posted in [Charcoal HQ][1]. Check the first version [here][2].

After looking at profile and the link in the end, I flagged it as spam. I also posted a comment asking for user to state the affiliation to the site. In reply to that comment, he said that he was not affiliated to the site. Since his profile description and his statement contradicted, it attracted more flags.

He later deleted his post. And I got the flag declined notice with the following message.

>declined - a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it 

This declined reason is ambiguous. I guess the evidence is all there in the revision history. Though, I don't have any issue with the declined flag, but I think I can get a clarification about it. Thanks.

  [1]: https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/11540?m=42935276#42935276
  [2]: https://superuser.com/revisions/1296276/1