User Contributions to Stack Exchange are licensed under cc-wiki with attribution required so there's nothing wrong in copying, assuming the attribution is given
To be clear, attribution required means:
- Visually indicate that the content is from Stack Overflow, Meta Stack Overflow, Server Fault, or Super User in some way. It doesn’t have to be obnoxious; a discreet text blurb is fine.
- Hyperlink directly to the original question on the source site (e.g.,
- Show the author names for every question and answer
- Hyperlink each author name directly back to their user profile page on the source site (e.g.,
In this case, the site fails to do any of the above & is running violation of the licensing.
In this case, this meta question mentions how to report such scrapers:
Send all reports of SCRAPERs to
[email protected]
. Please include:
- the URL of the copied post
- the URL of the original post on SE
- for high-rankers, the search string you used (and the name of the search engine, if not Google)
- any other details you noticed and want to share, because you're awesome