I'm sure this isn't news to any regular here, but a search didn't yield any discussion about it:

The upvote/downvote tooltips on meta.superuser are the same as on the main site.  
    For the upvote it is _"This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear"_ – which isn't really in harmony with [What does voting mean here?][su-meta-faq-votes] in the Meta FAQ, which says

> _Voting here works a bit differently from the main site. On Meta, voting is often used to express agreement or disagreement, not to point out a lack of quality or helpfulness._

So, should the tooltips be changed to be in better harmony with the FAQ?

[su-meta-faq-votes]: http://meta.superuser.com/faq#vote-differences "Frequently Asked Questions - Super User Meta"